The Benefits of Proper Breathing Techniques

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Learning proper breathing techniques for dancers is just as important as practicing and perfecting your moves.

The truth is that the right amount of oxygen will enhance your performance. Although we may be aware of these, here are some common mistakes dancers often make that prevent them from breathing efficiently:

  • High anxiety levels: Controlled breathing helps to relieve tension dancers may be carrying. This can relax muscles and loosen movements. Dancers who are stressed are more prone to injuries. Practicing breathing exercises will help dancers to move more fluidly and give a better performance, all while preventing physical harm.
  • Only focused on hold in the stomach and having the shoulders back: It is best to try to focus on your diaphragm by focusing on expanding your ribcage. A proper breathing technique includes heavy utilization of diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Lack of awareness of their breathing patterns: For many dancers, the highly technical complexity of the art makes it easy to forget to breathe. Instead, pace your breath to the tempo. This exercise will help prevent stiffness and tension when performing and make your dance appear smooth and effortless.
  • Tight muscles – like the abdominals, chest, and neck – that restrict the diaphragm from doing its work: Your diaphragm isn’t just for breathing – it also plays huge role in postural stability. If you don’t use your diaphragm properly, you’re missing out on a whole world of stability challenges and choreographic possibilities.


There are a couple of easy exercises you can use to get accustomed to this practice. We suggest that students lay with their backs on the floor with their palms on the lower abdomen. Take deep breaths to the count of four and watch your hands rise. Exhale and focus on tightening the abdominal muscles.

Another option is to practice a few easy yoga poses, like upward salutes and forward folds, while inhaling as you raise your arms up and exhaling as you bend forward to touch your toes.

Once you start to focus on properly breathing, you will instantly experience the benefits, such as improved posture, less stress while dancing, and getting rid of various musculoskeletal aches and pains.

The Evolution of Bollywood Dance


The term “Bollywood” was created by combining two names: Bombay (the city now called Mumbai) and Hollywood. Bollywood, based in Mumbai, is India’s – and the world’s – largest film industry in terms of the number of films produced, as well as the number of tickets sold each year. With the success of Bollywood films, the dance has taken the world by storm and has now come into the global spotlight. Stars like Madonna, Shakira, and Britney Spears have incorporated the Bollywood style of dance or music into their songs, videos, and stage shows.

The highlight of any Bollywood movie is the elaborate dance sequences and original soundtracks. Over the years, Bollywood movies have developed their own signature style of song and dance, which combines the rich texture of India’s many classical and folk dances with elements of jazz, hip hop, Arabic, and Latin forms.

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The style of dancing in earlier Bollywood films was based on Indian classical dance or folk dances from various parts of India. In the late 50s & 60s, group dances began to evolve in Bollywood as films and choreographers started managing larger groups of dancers with influences from folk dances. Then came the era of color films, and by then, Indian cinema was blessed with great dancers whose their outstanding energy and performance mesmerized the audiences and took dance to the next level.

Bollywood dance began to change in the 70s. The cabaret style of dance became more mainstream and was implemented in many movies. Later on, cabaret was replaced by disco, which was a worldwide phenomenon at the time. After experimenting with classical, folk, cabaret, and disco styles of dance came an era which introduced a free movement style of dance. Since the 1980s, Bollywood dancing has been heavily influenced by Western dance styles.

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Currently, Bollywood dance is still influenced by Western culture, perhaps even more so today than when it began. Elements include the use of frequent costume and location changes during dances, as well as the use of hip hop dance moves. The evolution of Bollywood dance is a process that is entirely Indian yet cross-cultural at the same time.

Tips for Managing Stage Fright

When performing in front of an audience, it can be daunting even for the most experienced dancers. So, whether you are a beginner or not, do not think that your are alone in experiencing this sensation of stage fright. The secret is not to deny these feelings, but instead focus on transforming the feeling of anxiety into adrenaline, which will give you the energy to give your best on stage.
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Learn the Music

Become very familiar with the music you will be performing to, because this will help you connect the movements with each part of the music. The music will guide you and it will be something to rely on if you feel lost. This applies whether you are dancing to a choreography or if you are improvising. In any case, you need to know the music well.


Rehearse and practice as much as you can. Being familiar with the movements and the routine is the only way to really gain confidence.

Know the Venue

If at all possible, try to rehearse in the venue where you will perform.

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Positive visualization is a powerful tool.  You need to relax your whole body by breathing and visualize yourself on stage performing. Imagine that you are giving a great performance, with no fear, and that the audience is supportive.
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When you visualize, try to imagine the whole situation as if it was real in as many details as possible, such as your own breath, the feeling of your feet touching the floor, your body moving, the sounds, and the lights on the stage.
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Enjoy the moment

Focus on how much you enjoy dancing and performing, rather than on what the audience thinks. After all, if you dance it is because you love doing it, so enjoy every second of your performance. The audience will respond positively if they sense your love for dancing and your passion, and they will be more inclined to forgive any imperfections. The main thing is focus on enjoying the experience.

Becoming a Better Dancer

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No matter what your level of experience or preferred style of dance is, these five tips will help you become a better dancer.

Become a better dancer in Denver Colorado

  1. Love it: If you want to dance, you’ve got to love it. If your heart is not into dancing, you will most likely give up when you cannot do certain moves, and this will decrease your sense of control and confidence.
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  2. Perfect your posture: Focus on achieving a good posture at all times. Stand up straight, push your shoulders down and back, and hold your head up.
  3. Stretch: Daily stretching will make your body much more flexible. A big goal in dancing is to make each move look effortless that’s why flexibility is important. Make it a habit to stretch every day.
  4. Keep practicing: Once you’ve learned a few techniques, practice them at home on your own. Not only will you be getting good exercise, you’ll also be developing your technique and style. Watch other dancers on television, instructional videos, or in other venues. Notice their body alignment, posture, and techniques. Good technique is what separates good dancers from the best dancers.
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    Don’t be afraid to learn new moves, but always strive to perfect each step.
  5. Set goals: It is best to work towards a specific goal and to have a focused mindset on what you are doing. Specific goals are critical to achieving success because without them, you will not be challenged to grow. If you have a specific goal, such as a competition, performance, or exhibition, you can be sure that you will improve and grow as a result of the pressure.

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In the end, be proud of your work and enjoy every performance! A smile is an expression of pleasure, happiness, or amusement. If you smile while you’re dancing, people will get the feeling that you love what you’re doing. Even if you are dancing alone, smile at yourself. You love to dance, so let it show!
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The Origin of Samba

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Samba is Brazil’s most well-known musical form and most widely known around the world as Brazilian music. Samba as a tune and dance evolved in Rio de Janeiro by the early 20th century and grew to become the quintessential music and dance form associated today with Rio’s carnaval. With its rich and syncopated rhythm and its often voluptuous dance moves, it has become the most popular music and dance style of South America.

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Lively and rhythmical, there are many types of samba dances, just like there are many types of samba music. Although samba was introduced in 1917, it wasn’t adopted by Brazil as a ballroom dance until 1930. Ballroom partner samba, one of the popular Latin dances in ballroom competitions, is made up of many different South American dances mixed into one.
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In Brazil, samba is mostly danced solo and remains especially popular during celebrations of Carnival. A samba dancer is known as a sambista.
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The Samba Bounce Action

When you watch someone dancing samba, you notice there is a bouncing action to their dance. The Samba Bounce Action is a gentle, rhythmic action felt through the knees and ankles. Samba dancers must strive to make this action appear effortless and carefree without looking exaggerated.
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The Distinctive Samba Steps

The basic footwork of the samba includes three fast step weight changes with a slight knee lift, led with alternating feet. The basic rhythm is “quick, quick, slow, and repeat.” The steps include the following:

  • Voltas
  • Bota Fogos
  • Kick Change
  • Samba Side Steps
  • Samba Strut


The samba also has a distinctive, dramatic climax and usually concludes with dancers throwing back their heads and extending their arms out to the sides. Because of the fast and energetic rhythm of samba music, it encourages everyone around to engage in spontaneous dancing, such as what happens in the streets during a Carnival celebration.

If you are interested in learning this beautiful cultural dance, do not hesitate to contact us for more information on how you can be part of a class.

The Many Benefits of Dance for Children

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While there are many benefits of traditional team sports, such sports may not always be suitable for younger children. If you are looking for a way to channel your child’s unwavering energy, you may want to consider the benefits of dance classes. No matter the culture or ethnicity, it is widely agreed that moving to music is enjoyable for young children.

Especially today, with child obesity on the rise, we can appreciate the physical benefits of encouraging children to dance.
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In addition to helping children burn off excess energy and stay healthy, dance offers numerous other benefits. Let us tell you some:


Experts agree that an early year’s dance experience will help children to develop body control, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. Children also get to experience a range of gross motor movements and fine motor movements. It is also a great way for children to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings in a non-verbal manner. Dance can also support children’s literacy development as they use their imagination to formulate ideas, characters, and narratives.

There are also personal, social, and emotional benefits of children dancing from an early age, as they develop friendships, build trust, and work as part of a team. Children are asked to communicate and cooperate as a group, as individuals, and as pairs. If you have a shy child, starting them in dance classes can help them talk to others and make new friends. In addition, dancing can help reduce any fears a child may have about performing or even speaking in front of a crowd.

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Although dance is physical exercise, it is a creative outlet most of all, and the impact of creative learning is big in a child’s life.
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 Dancing can make a person feel physically refreshed and improve their mood, helping to tackle issues including anxiety by providing an outlet for imagination and emotion.

Leading countries for Gender Equality

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Even though women make up more than 50% of the world’s population, it is well-known that many of us do not share 50% of the opportunities nor are we treated equally in all circumstances. The gender gap seems to expand more in some places around the world, while in others, the gap is closing as there are governmental regulations, mentorship programs and other efforts to encourage the narrowing of the gender discrimination.

In 2006, the World Economic Forum began releasing its Global Gender Gap Report in which it examines women’s equality in four categories: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Political Empowerment. Approximately 142 countries are evaluated and ranked every year to monitor improvement. North America, as a region, had improved 5% between 2006 and 2013.
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Let’s take a look at some of the countries leading the way in women’s rights.

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Top 3 countries for gender equality:


This country has been leading the top 5 for some years now, which means it has the overall smallest gender gap. It has ranked first in education and economic empowerment for women. There are over 1.5 women for every man in post-secondary education.


Recently, this country has also led the list of top countries with a smaller gender gap. It promotes gender equality by offering earnings-related day care system and a parental leave policy, which is considered one of the most flexible in the European Union.


Ranked 4 in the Global Gender Gap Report, Sweden has been taking serious steps towards closing the gender gap. It is known to have one of the most progressive attitudes toward gender equality.
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Both men and women have helped address the issue.
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Other countries at the top of the list: Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Canada, and Australia.


Many Nordic countries are making a difference and being an example for others. It’s important we make our voice heard and fight to close the gender gap in Colorado and in our nation. Learn about how we join the fight against domestic violence through dancing.

2016 Denver PrideFest is Here!

Don’t Miss Out the 41st Anniversary of Denver PrideFest!

This year is going to be the 41st Anniversary of Denver PrideFest, which will be held June 18th & 19th at Civic Center Park, downtown Denver.

Bella Diva at Denver PrideFest, Photo by
Photo by

About Denver PrideFest

Produced by the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Community Center of Colorado (The Center), Denver PrideFest is now the fourth largest pride festival and seventh largest pride parade in the United States!
This year’s event theme is “Building Community Through Pride.”

Bella Diva Dance at the 41st Anniversary of Denver PrideFest!

Denver PrideFest 2016

Bella Diva Dance is so excited to be performing on the Main Stage Sunday, June 19th during DeMarcio’s Disco Show that we decided to start the party early by holding a PrideFest Kickoff Party. Join us at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret as we celebrate all the colors of the rainbow through song & dance!
This will be an 18+ show as we will be joined by some of Colorado’s HOTTEST burlesque and BOYlesque performers including Dr. Bones, DeeDee Derriere, Midnite Martini & Burning Loins Boylesque.
Denver PrideFest 2016
Hosted by Naughty Pierre who will get to be a little naughtier than normal!
Not only will you be entranced by the sheer amount of shaking feathers, beads, and glitter, you won’t be able to stop tapping your feet to that Samba and Belly Dance beats! Dripping in feathers, glitz and glamorous, over-the-top gorgeous costumes (worth the price of admission just to SEE ’em), these lovely dancers from the acclaimed troupe, Bella Diva Dance, will mesmerize you with scintillating and sensual dance numbers and “can’t sit still” rhythms and beats from all around the world.
Plus, there will be plenty of audience participation, including trivia, group dancing, and prizes for best rainbow costume attire! Lannie’s will be creating unique PrideFest cocktails including the “Rainbow Connection” and the “Diva Martini”.

Denver PrideFest 2016

Bella Diva Dance Show – NEXT SHOW – WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th at 8 pm. Join us for our PRIDEFEST KICKOFF PARTY!

Get Fit with World Dance Classes in Denver

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There are many ways in which you can get fit, but, without a doubt, exercise is essential to achieve that.
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One of the paths that can be taken is the road of dance. Dance can be very spiritual and include free-will movements that can give you a good workout. There are many benefits to dancing as a workout: improved coordination, improved memory, reduced stress and tension, a fortified cardiovascular system, and a naturally lifted mood. At Bella Diva Dance you will find many of the classic world dance classes like belly dancing and samba.
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We also offer unique specialized world dance classes like Bharat Natyam and Tribal Infusions Belly Dance. Read more about some of the World Dance class offerings in Denver.

Get Fit with World Dance Classes in Denver

Working out to the rhythm of…

Bharat Natyam

This Indian ancient dance form includes graceful movements of the body in an artistic and elegant way. The word Bharat Natyam is a combination of Bhav (Expression), Raag (Melody), Taala (Rhythm) and Natyam (Dance). As per Natyashastra (ancient Indian treatise on Bharat Natyam), this dance form combines the three forms: Natya (dance drama), Nritta (pure dance movements) and Nritya (combination of sentiment and mood).

Belly DancingGet Fit with Dance Classes in Denver

Belly Dance lessons are offered as a thoroughly planned series in which we cover all belly dance moves that include hip and arm movements, body isolations, traveling moves and shimmies.We offer Belly Dance lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students.

Samba No Pe and Advanced Samba

We offer a Samba No Pe class and an Intermediate/Advanced Samba Technique and Choreography class. Our lessons are offered as a thoroughly planned series in which we cover all basic samba foot patterns and sequences, body movements and different styles. We offer Samba lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students.

Find out more about many other world dance lessons taught at Bella Diva Dance Studio. Come visit our facilities, read more about our instructors and staff members and watch videos from our student’s and dancer’s performances.

Health Benefits of Dry-Brushing

The Importance of Hydration For Dancers

healthy ways of self expressionYou might have heard of it: one of the trending health routines that has great benefits, mostly to our skin. The idea is to use a natural bristle brush to scrub away dead cells from our skin, exfoliating and stimulating our blood and lymphatic systems which will improve our skin’s appearance.  Dry-brushing is now offered in “spas” and other beauty salons, as it has proven to have effective results. Because Bella Diva Dance studio cares about your health, we share some benefits and steps for dry-brushing your skin.


Dry-Brushing Benefits

1. Exfoliates dead skin. Your skin will become much softer, and clear pores will leave your skin cleaner and brighter.

2. Stimulate lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of our circulation system which helps us get rid of waste. There are nodes, ducts, and vessels under our skin that can increase its flow when stimulated and help detoxify our bodies.

3. Reduce cellulite. One of the reasons why people are trying this technique, even more, is because it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. Even though there isn’t research to back the idea and the search for the magic cure for cellulite continues, people are claiming it has positive results.

4. It increases your energy and blood flow. It is not recommended to dry-brush at night because it gives you a rush of energy with the stimulation of the blood circulation. Incorporate it into your morning routine to have a great start. Beautiful skin tips for women

Steps to Dry-Brush Your Body

  • Dry-brush before jumping into the shower.
  • Get a natural bristle brush, not synthetic. Make sure it comes with a handle to reach your back.
  • Stand somewhere to catch the dead skin you will be brushing off, like a tub.
  • Start at the bottom, by brushing your feet with long sweeps. Make sure to always direct the notion of the movement towards the heart.
  • Brush several times the same area, and be careful of sensitive areas.
  • Take a shower, and alternate between warm to cold water to stimulate blood circulation even more.
  • It’s recommended to dry-brush twice a day.

Read more about our newest class offerings: Middle Eastern Drums class and the Latin Dance class, which includes Bachata, Cha Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Salsa, Rumba and Samba.

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