How Dance Classes can Benefit Your Children in 2017

Encourage Boys to Dance

Our studio is going to be closed Thursday, December 22 through Thursday, Jan 5th, with all classes resuming Sunday, January 8, 2017.

Preparing your Kids for 2017

As we celebrate the holidays, it’s easy to remember that kids are a gift in our lives. A bundle of never-ending energy. If you’re wondering about a good way to put all that good energy to good use, we have an answer for you that may be the perfect start to your 2017 resolutions.

Sign Them Up for Dance Lessons in 2017

When it comes to keeping your kids active, dance classes are a great alternative to team sports and can be beneficial for kids of all ages.

Benefits of Dance Classes for Kids
World Dance for Kids at Bella Diva

Dance for Kids for Better Physical Health

Because dance lessons represent a highly physical activity, when children take dance lessons on a regular basis, you can expect a significant improvement in their overall physical health. Regular dance practice can benefit your child’s range of motion, flexibility, strength, and stamina.
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Dancing also helps gain muscle mass, correct poor posture, increase balance, and has great benefits related to cardiovascular health.

More Social Interaction With Other Kids

During dance class, children are bound to interact with each other. They learn how to work as a team, they learn to communicate, and they make new friends.
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If your child is shy, dancing might encourage them to socialize with children of the similar ages and aid in reducing the anxiety that new people and places might cause. Dance might also help deal with stage fright.

Boosts Self-Esteem

As your child learns about dance and movement, they will become more comfortable with their own bodies, which will make it easier to develop and maintain a good level of confidence.

Dance Classes Help Improve Discipline

According to “FamilyTalk Magazine,” dance lessons can help to spark creativity in young children and help them to develop an appreciation for the arts. Becoming a skilled dancer requires a lot of effort, discipline, focus… qualities that will translate into your child’s life later on.
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2017 Kids World Dance in Denver

We are excited to offer World Dance classes for kids in 2017. Appropriate for ages 7-12, immerse your child in faraway cultures, expand their cultural horizons, connect them to their roots, or simply have them try something different! Our classes will resume Sunday, January 8th. 

happy holidays
Bella Diva Dance classes will resume Sunday, January 8, 2017.

The Many Benefits of Dance for Children

bella diva dance photogapher

While there are many benefits of traditional team sports, such sports may not always be suitable for younger children. If you are looking for a way to channel your child’s unwavering energy, you may want to consider the benefits of dance classes. No matter the culture or ethnicity, it is widely agreed that moving to music is enjoyable for young children.

Especially today, with child obesity on the rise, we can appreciate the physical benefits of encouraging children to dance.
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In addition to helping children burn off excess energy and stay healthy, dance offers numerous other benefits. Let us tell you some:


Experts agree that an early year’s dance experience will help children to develop body control, coordination, balance, and spatial awareness. Children also get to experience a range of gross motor movements and fine motor movements. It is also a great way for children to communicate ideas, thoughts, and feelings in a non-verbal manner. Dance can also support children’s literacy development as they use their imagination to formulate ideas, characters, and narratives.

There are also personal, social, and emotional benefits of children dancing from an early age, as they develop friendships, build trust, and work as part of a team. Children are asked to communicate and cooperate as a group, as individuals, and as pairs. If you have a shy child, starting them in dance classes can help them talk to others and make new friends. In addition, dancing can help reduce any fears a child may have about performing or even speaking in front of a crowd.

kids world dance Lastly, in dance classes, children are regularly asked to memorize movement sequences. This helps children practice their memorization skills while encouraging a detail-oriented mindset.

Although dance is physical exercise, it is a creative outlet most of all, and the impact of creative learning is big in a child’s life.
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 Dancing can make a person feel physically refreshed and improve their mood, helping to tackle issues including anxiety by providing an outlet for imagination and emotion.