Dancing Health Benefits

Dancing, as a whole, has many health benefits for all ages. Researchers have found that dancing reduces the feeling of stress, increases energy levels, improves muscle tone, and can even improve an individual’s coordination. It can also lead to lower risks of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and assist people in managing their weight.

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Dancing has many other physical and mental benefits for the participant. The physical benefits of dance include an increased body awareness, cardiovascular endurance, muscle toning, and even bone strength. You may have noticed from watching those dancing television shows that dancers have a certain way of moving all the time. This is because dancers generally have great body awareness. They are used to having control over their bodies, and they know what their bodies can do.

Dancing classes that include aerobics will generally involve quick-paced movements that are designed to get the heart rate up. This increase in heart rate over a period of time leads to greater cardiovascular endurance. An example is Latin dance, which requires the use of many muscle groups at once.

Often, the arms are up in the air, the hips and core are twisting, and the legs and feet are moving fast all at the same time. All of this constant movement leads to a more toned and slimmed muscle tone.

Lastly, like walking or jogging, dancing is a weight-bearing activity that will help maintain bone density.

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Mental benefits from dance include memory improvement, increased self-esteem, and stress relief. Memorizing steps and being able to recall them from week to week is a great way to improve memory. With the various choices for exercise and physical activity, dancing is quickly becoming a favorite for the crowd.

The benefits that it has for both the body and the mind make it a great choice for anyone who is looking for a fun way to bring activity to their lives.

The Benefits of Proper Breathing Techniques

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Learning proper breathing techniques for dancers is just as important as practicing and perfecting your moves.

The truth is that the right amount of oxygen will enhance your performance. Although we may be aware of these, here are some common mistakes dancers often make that prevent them from breathing efficiently:

  • High anxiety levels: Controlled breathing helps to relieve tension dancers may be carrying. This can relax muscles and loosen movements. Dancers who are stressed are more prone to injuries. Practicing breathing exercises will help dancers to move more fluidly and give a better performance, all while preventing physical harm.
  • Only focused on hold in the stomach and having the shoulders back: It is best to try to focus on your diaphragm by focusing on expanding your ribcage. A proper breathing technique includes heavy utilization of diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Lack of awareness of their breathing patterns: For many dancers, the highly technical complexity of the art makes it easy to forget to breathe. Instead, pace your breath to the tempo. This exercise will help prevent stiffness and tension when performing and make your dance appear smooth and effortless.
  • Tight muscles – like the abdominals, chest, and neck – that restrict the diaphragm from doing its work: Your diaphragm isn’t just for breathing – it also plays huge role in postural stability. If you don’t use your diaphragm properly, you’re missing out on a whole world of stability challenges and choreographic possibilities.


There are a couple of easy exercises you can use to get accustomed to this practice. We suggest that students lay with their backs on the floor with their palms on the lower abdomen. Take deep breaths to the count of four and watch your hands rise. Exhale and focus on tightening the abdominal muscles.

Another option is to practice a few easy yoga poses, like upward salutes and forward folds, while inhaling as you raise your arms up and exhaling as you bend forward to touch your toes.

Once you start to focus on properly breathing, you will instantly experience the benefits, such as improved posture, less stress while dancing, and getting rid of various musculoskeletal aches and pains.

Basic tips for women who want to be healthy

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On the other hand, if you hear this advice and nod without really doing it, then it’s time to get off your feet and start doing something for yourself. We are the only ones that can take care of ourselves. It’s our responsibility to do what’s best for our mental and physical well-being. Here is some easy advice on how to be a healthier person.advice for healthy women

Basic tips to be
a healthy woman

1. Sleep plenty

People don’t emphasize on this too much because it is easy to get used to sleeping less and bad. We grow accustomed to our routines and don’t realize that we’re taking years away from our lives. Most people don’t sleep enough hours and let alone, sleep well. We need enough sleep to recover and process any new information. It’s important we let our bodies rest and recuperate to function adequately. A bad habit people is to go to sleep with the phone or tablet in hand.

The screen’s bright light and spending more time than you need on a social network can deprive you from getting enough good-night sleep.

2. Drink enough water

We need water, our bodies are mostly composed of it! A very good tip is to drink a large glass of water, first thing in the morning. When we wake up we’re dehydrated because we have been sleeping for hours and burning calories. During the day, we should drink large amounts of liquid. Our body, and every cell in it, requires water. It’s a mandatory basic element for many body functions. And we’re not referring to ingesting liquids, we mean you should be drinking plain colorless pure water all day long!

healthy women move3. Get moving!

Working out, taking a walk or the stairs instead of the elevator, doing a stretching routine, anything can trigger many positive benefits in our bodies. Exercise helps us in all levels: physical, mental and emotional. Make sure to take breaks during your work day and move around or get off your feet, we can’t be static sitting down all day. When you exercise, you feel more energized, sleep better, feel happier, reduce illness risks, and more. Start working out today to get these amazing benefits.

Put these tips into action and you will start living a healthier life. Remember it’s important to take care of what we eat, as well.
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We will continue to share more health tips and advice for women. Read more about health tips for women and learn some important stretching exercises.

Women health tip: Drink Water Daily

The Importance of Hydration For Dancers

We know you bring your bottle of water to your favorite dance class or when you workout. But water is not limited to hydration when you sweat it out.
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Water is an essential for our bodies. Human beings can’t live without it, we’re practically made of it. Drinking water regularly, about 8 glasses of water a day (or approximately 2 liters) is essential to keep you well all day long. The moment you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Today we share with you some of the important benefits of drinking plenty water daily.


Benefits of Drinking Water

Our body is 75% water. We need water as virtually every cell in our bodies. As you drink water, water goes into cells and it plumps them as with your skin cells. Let’s see some of the many benefits that drinking plenty water brings to our lives.

  • Water can help you lose weight: Choosing water over a high-calorie beverage will prevent you from adding those into your body. It also boosts your metabolism and helps you feel full. Drinking a glass of water a bit before a meal will help you eat what your body really needs.
  • Water gives you energy: Considered an energy booster, water can give your muscles exactly what they need if feeling tired. When cells don’t maintain an adequate fluid and electrolytes levels, it ends up in muscle fatigue.
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    Drinking enough water during the day will help your heart pump blood more efficiently and transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells.
  • Water helps you prevent pain and help fight diseases: Aching joints and muscle strains can occur if the body is dehydrated. Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates joints in the body. Also, water helps with decongestion and dehydration that occurs with diarrhea and fever. It also prevents hangovers!
  • Water maintains your body in optimal conditions: Getting rid of waste through sweat and urination is vital to eliminate toxins from our bodies. Our kidneys and skin will thank us! Drinking water reduces chances of kidney stones and improves skin complexion. It also boosts our immune system, making us feel energized and feeling great!

Make sure you include water in your diet as it will bring you great health benefits.
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Read more about essential health tips for women and how incorporating Green Tea into your daily diet can also provide you with incredible benefits.

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Essential Health Tips for Women

There are many important things to always keep in mind when it comes to our health. One of the most important ones is to do a regular check-up to make sure you’re in good shape and for prevention. Among many other tips, there are some health tips that are essential for women. Based on a list created by Dr. Oz, here is a compilation of some essential health tips for women.

Best Health Tips for Women 

Here are some pieces of great advice to achieving a healthier life style… Plus, they are easy, so you have no excuses!
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women health and dancingLaugh out loud: laughing eases stress, promotes social bonding and lowers blood pressure. It can also boost your immune system.

Never skip breakfast: the more fiber you eat in the morning, the less hungry you get in the afternoon. People that don’t eat breakfast tend to feel tired towards the afternoon and gorge on sugar.

Sleep well: getting a good dose of 7 hours of sleep a night will help you live longer, lower your stress, sharpen your memory, and reduce cravings.

Light up with color your plate: foods with bright rich colors are packed with flavonoids and carotenoids, which are powerful compounds that fight free radicals and inflammation.

Breathe deeply: Breathe with your belly, push your elbows out and inhale through your nose until your lungs are full. This dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert.
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Sweat till wet: 1 hour a week of sweat breaking workout will help reduce the risk of heart attack, increase your mood, lower your blood pressure and help your muscles become more efficient.

Drink Green Tea: drink as often as you want, Green Tea is packed with heart-boosting and cancer-stopping poyphenols and it delivers a boost of alertness, from an even smaller dose of caffeine than black tea.
