Tips for Managing Stage Fright

When performing in front of an audience, it can be daunting even for the most experienced dancers. So, whether you are a beginner or not, do not think that your are alone in experiencing this sensation of stage fright. The secret is not to deny these feelings, but instead focus on transforming the feeling of anxiety into adrenaline, which will give you the energy to give your best on stage.
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Latin Dance Classs Denver

Learn the Music

Become very familiar with the music you will be performing to, because this will help you connect the movements with each part of the music. The music will guide you and it will be something to rely on if you feel lost. This applies whether you are dancing to a choreography or if you are improvising. In any case, you need to know the music well.


Rehearse and practice as much as you can. Being familiar with the movements and the routine is the only way to really gain confidence.

Know the Venue

If at all possible, try to rehearse in the venue where you will perform.

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Positive visualization is a powerful tool.  You need to relax your whole body by breathing and visualize yourself on stage performing. Imagine that you are giving a great performance, with no fear, and that the audience is supportive.
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When you visualize, try to imagine the whole situation as if it was real in as many details as possible, such as your own breath, the feeling of your feet touching the floor, your body moving, the sounds, and the lights on the stage.
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Enjoy the moment

Focus on how much you enjoy dancing and performing, rather than on what the audience thinks. After all, if you dance it is because you love doing it, so enjoy every second of your performance. The audience will respond positively if they sense your love for dancing and your passion, and they will be more inclined to forgive any imperfections. The main thing is focus on enjoying the experience.