Common Misconceptions about Belly Dancing

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How to Remember the Choreography for Live Dance Performances

Reach Your Dance Goals At Bella Diva

Performing in front of a live audience and sharing everything you’ve learned with friends, family, and your community is part of the joy and rewards of world dance. However, it’s also the part that makes most people nervous. Even the greatest dancers in the world get nervous before a performance. It’s natural. The biggest worry is forgetting the choreography and getting lost. We’ve got a few tips for dancers on how to remember the choreography and have a great performance.

Tips on How to Remember the Choreography

Besides practice, practice, practice there are some tricks and tips that a dancer can incorporate to help remember the choreography for a live dance performance or showcase.


One way to remember the choreography for your dance performance is to use a method called chunking. That is where you break up the routine into smaller chunks. Then you work on learning and memorizing each chunk. Once you have each part down, string them all together. 

Remember the Choreography
It’s natural for any dancer to feel some nerves on the day of a performance. Look to your fellow dancers if you get lost in the choreography, and let the music and the rhythm be your guide.

We do this naturally as we learn a dance. We break it up into sections and practice a little at a time. When you practice at home, keep practicing little chunks at a time. It’s a good way to solidify each section into your muscle memory.

Feel the Music

Dancing is done to music. So use the music to remember your parts. You can use parts of the song as cues to remind you which part comes next. That can work by connecting the parts of the song to parts of the choreography, like a slow part, fast part, chorus, verse, etc. 

Naming Each Move

Naming the moves can also help. Instead of counting through the steps or beats in a 1-2-3-4 pattern, give each beat a name, such as slide, push, dip, and so on. In a sense, this is how to remember the choreography by talking your way through it as you go through the moves. 

Often, there is no shortcut to learning. It takes lots of practice. Practicing for hours and developing muscle memory of the choreography is one of the best ways to really learn the dance moves. Remember, everyone gets nervous before a performance. For group dances, like our world dance performances and showcases, we can also lean on each other to calm nerves and help us through a performance.

Should you get lost in the choreography, forget a step, or make a wrong move, just look to your fellow world dancers who will get you back on track. The trick is to not get flustered but to keep breathing, keep moving, and just keep enjoying your time on stage. If you’ve practiced and prepared enough, the dance will come back to you and a couple of wrong steps will soon be forgotten to the sound of thunderous applause.

Want to learn world dance and start to perform around town with the rest of our company? Register for one of our world dance classes

The Perfect Home Dance Studio for Virtual Dance Classes

Over the past year, we’ve all started to see our homes in a whole new light. We’ve started to find ways to make our homes multifunctional. For some, that means incorporating a classroom. For us, it’s setting up the perfect home dance studio, so that we can continue to dance and be a part of our world dance community.

Creating the Perfect Home Dance Studio

Virtual dance classes have given us the opportunity to continue to connect with our Bella Diva Dance community despite being confined to our homes. However, few of us have the perfect home dance studio, so we’ve had to get a little creative. We recognize that you may not have space for a permanent setup, so when you look around your home for the best place to practice and take a virtual dance class, here’s what you should be looking for to give yourself the right environment.

  • Space
  • Flooring
  • Lighting
  • Mirrors
  • Sound
Home Dance Studio
Couple Having Fun at Home Dancing Together

The first step is to find a place where you can create enough space to move. Take time to clear a room, move furniture, head outside to the porch or patio, or maybe even a garage.
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The second step is to find the right flooring. Dance floors are the heart of any dance studio and the most important part of the perfect home dance studio. The right flooring can make all the difference in the world for your comfort. If your dance space has tile or concrete flooring, you should consider getting some portable floors made specifically for dancers. Flooring for dancers is made to protect our joints and bodies, preventing slips, and adding some traction.
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Wood floors are the next best choice for your home dance studio space. They are sturdy, but also have a little give and flexibility. They can be slippery, so be sure to wear the right dance shoes.
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You don’t want the flooring to be so solid, like tile or concrete, that you end up putting too much strain on your joints. Try to avoid carpeted areas, slippery surfaces, and uneven surfaces.

Lights, Mirrors, Music!

Lighting is everything. Need we say more?!

Find a full-length mirror and place it somewhere central, far enough away so that you can get a full-body image of yourself dancing. We know you won’t be able to line your walls, like in the studio, but having a mirror will help your dancing, even if it’s just one.

Make sure you have a good sound system for those world dance beats — that’s half the fun! You’ll also want to have your screen visible so you can follow along with virtual dance classes.

The more effort you put into your home studio, the more you’ll get out of your at home world dance classes.

Our Choreographed High-Cardio Dance Class Will Get Your Heart Pumping

Bella Diva Dance has a new class geared towards individuals seeking a little more sweat and adrenaline in their dance workouts! The class, called “Bella Bro Dance,” is a high-energy cardio dance class that provides a truly diverse and unique experience. While we say it is geared towards male-identifying individuals, the class, as are all our classes, is all-inclusive and provides an experience and workout geared towards all genders, ethnicities, and body types. If you’re looking for a high-cardio dance class that will get you moving and sweating, this class is just for you.

New Choreographed High-Cardio Dance Class

High-Cardio Dance Class
Dancing is a fun activity for anybody.

“Dance is for everyone!” has been a rallying cry of the dance world for years.
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While most dance classes have long been geared towards women and female-identifying individuals, Bella Diva is trying to change that stereotype and open up the world of dance to everyone. That’s how we came up with a high-cardio dance class that aims to bring more men to our studio and join our dance community. This is not your traditional workout or your traditional dance class.
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You’ll get your blood rate pumping while learning a variety of world dance styles:

  • Bollywood/Bhangra
  • Samba do Malandro
  • Samba no pé
  • Samba Reggae/Axé
  • Egyptian Folk Dance
  • Tahitian Dance
  • and more!

A Class Crafted for Male-Identifying Individuals

These classes are geared towards dancing for men and male-identifying individuals by offering a high-energy, high-cardio workout throughout choreographed world dance classes. They improve strength and conditioning, body exploration, and introduction to new cultures. These classes are created to give you a fun but challenging workout while still allowing you to work on your strengths, practice new moves, and improve your flexibility and agility. As the class progresses, you’ll be introduced to new routines that focus on strength and coordination.

We encourage and welcome anyone to any class. Visit Bella Diva’s registration page to register for classes.

Prenatal Belly Dance Classes for Better Pregnancy and Birth

Prenatal Belly Dance

Although belly dance is mostly known for being fun and sensual, slow flow movements are particularly beneficial during pregnancy. Besides toning your muscles, prenatal belly dance/yoga can give you more confidence and feel more positive about your changing body and fluctuating emotions. Prenatal belly dancing classes will give you a community and support system to lean on at any time during your pregnancy. Our classes are all about empowering women and making everyone feel comfortable.
If you are unable to join us at the studio, our virtual On-Demand dance academy allows you to benefit from prenatal classes from the comfort of your home.

Belly Dance and Pregnancy

Prenatal Belly Dance
Join a supportive and empowering community of moms with On-Demand prenatal belly dance and yoga classes.

Belly dance is a form of dance that emerged in the Middle East region and is now considered a form of art. The dance is thought to connect to fertility since it involves the stomach expanding from the dancer’s breathing. The circular pelvic rotation that belly dancing is famous for stimulates the uterus, known to increase fertility. Belly dancing help to strengthen your pelvic floor while still being low impact. It will also improve abdominal control, which is important during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. It is important to stay active during pregnancy. Prenatal belly dance allows you to continue to stay in shape as your body grows. Although you can join our classes at any time during your pregnancy, the sooner you begin, the more endurance, strength, and flexibility you gain to support through every stage of pregnancy.

Prenatal Belly Dance and Prenatal Yoga Classes

Increased abdominal and pelvic strength and control are important tools during pregnancy, but there’s more. Prenatal yoga and prenatal belly dance also have emotional and mental benefits. Bella Diva provides a fun, safe, and relaxed atmosphere where you’ll be with other moms, building strength, confidence, and body positivity through a shared experience.
Whether you’re a first-time mom or you have other kids, every pregnancy is different. These classes allow you to connect to this pregnancy and this baby. Yoga classes help moms release stress, restore balance, stability, and calmness of the mind, and leave you feeling more confident and positive about your body.
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Register at Bella Diva to join a community of strong warrior moms!

Dance Classes Build Confidence and Improve Self Expression

The Bella Diva World Dance Studio is a great place for you to learn how to come out of your shell and be more forward and outgoing in your life. Dance classes build confidence and teach you how to express yourself. When you learn how to move your body, follow a rhythm, and do something that is outside of your comfort zone, you discover new sides to yourself. 

Express Yourself Through World Dance Classes

Dance Classes Build Confidence
Dancing is a great way to improve one’s self-expression, in turn connecting more easily with others.

The best part of world dance classes is that we are all dancing in a big group. Finding a community that will build you up and bring out the best in you will not only make dancing more fun, but you will start to feel more comfortable being more assertive and able to more clearly express yourself. Feeling comfortable with yourself and your surroundings is the foundation to expressing yourself honestly and directly. 

Dance Classes Build Confidence

All dance is an emotional and physical expression of our struggles, victories, dreams, beliefs, sexuality, and history. Every culture has expressed itself through dance and communicated their story, expressed their history to other cultures. Every movement has intention and power, even when it’s slow and sensual.
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You can’t be shy when you dance; you have to commit to the movements, the rhythms, and the beats. It forces you to step out of your shell and be more assertive and deliberate.
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These are qualities that you can easily apply to every aspect of your life, personally and professionally. 

At Bella Diva, we are a multicultural diverse group of men and women who share cultures from around the world, celebrate and build each other up, and most importantly, we have fun! Come and see how dance classes can enrich your life, learn to express yourself more confidently, and explore new sides to yourself and the world.
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Sign up for classes at Bella Diva, a judgment-free dance zone that allows you to express your authentic self.

Explore Polynesian Dance and Culture Through Hula ‘Auana

Modern Hula 'Auana

There are many dance styles associated with Polynesian culture, but none more famous than the Hula! Many legends follow the origins of Hula, but they are all rooted in showing respect and appreciation of the Gods. If you’re looking for a class to explore an ancient culture while also improving your personal growth, Hula ‘Auana celebrates traditional Polynesian dance, with a modern twist. Or, should we say, a soft, graceful swaying of the hips.

The History of Hula

The ancient Hawaiians brought the Hula to the islands. The ancient art of Hula Kahiko was an artistic, ceremonial dance meant to appease or to show homage to the Gods. Hula was a way to act out and perform ancient legends through gentle movements accompanied by chants, drums, and other percussions. Hula dance was a way to pass on history to new generations. In those days, only men would dance the Hula. At Bella Diva, everyone dances the Hula!

Modern Hula ‘Auana

When Christianity was introduced to the Hawaiian islands, Hula was almost lost. Fortunately, nothing stays lost forever.
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After nearly a century of lying dormant, the Hula started to emerge once again, evolving into what we now know as Hula ‘Auana, the modern Hula dance. As the world began to open up and cultures began to mix, the Hula started taking on a new style and meaning. Hula ‘Auana still celebrates Polynesian culture but is much less formal.
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The modern Hula focuses more on storytelling and entertainment than on ancient Hula’s religious and sacred significance. In other words, Hula is here to stay, and we encourage everyone to share in this fun, rich traditional dance style.

Hula 'Auana Classes at Bella Diva.
Modern Hula ‘Auana is the art of storytelling, celebration, and entertainment.

Benefits of Hula ‘Auana

Hula ‘Auana is an excellent way to get a core workout and strengthen your body, especially your lower body. Although not traditionally designed with fitness in mind, the movements involved undoubtedly build one’s physical abilities and coordination.
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Hula can be rather involved. Significant concentration is required to master the subtle, slow flow movements of your body, from head to toe. That being said, anyone can develop these skills by taking Hula ‘Auana classes.

Hula is interactive, teaching you how to tell a story through movement and music. We dance to a variety of music and instruments, including ukulele and steel guitar. You’ll learn to engage your whole body, gaining strength, flexibility, and body awareness while also gaining insights into a new culture with a rich history.

If you’re looking to sign up for Hula dance classes, register for classes with Bella Diva Dance today.

There’s More to Gain From Belly Dancing Than Just Fun

Who Needs a Gym When You Can Dance?

There are many benefits to belly dancing beyond moving your body in a fun way. Belly dancing has numerous health benefits for your body and mind. It also provides a solid foundation for thriving in other activities that require physical techniques. If you’re curious to know just how belly dancing classes can improve your life, continue reading. It’s guaranteed that you will want to sign up for belly dance lessons after learning about all its benefits.

Health Benefits of Belly Dancing

If you’re looking to tighten up your core, belly dancing works your abs without you even noticing. You can skip that Pilates class if you regularly take belly dancing classes. Since belly dancing incorporates plenty of hip movements, this forces your core muscles to engage.

Belly dancing celebrates natural curves.

Belly dancing classes give dancers the opportunities to show off their femininity. There are no restrictions when it comes to belly dancing. Everyone is encouraged to embrace their curves!
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Belly dancing can increase your confidence by improving body image and muscular tone. You’ll appreciate your body for all it can do, and this appreciation turns into self-respect.

Physical Foundation Built With Belly Dancing Techniques

Belly dancing classes help develop techniques that can be applied elsewhere. For example, as belly dancing builds grace and flexibility, your coordination skills naturally improve as a result. Not to mention, you build strength and develop muscles that might otherwise not get used.

Learning how to move your body to music is a skill. Belly dancing will teach you how to move more beautifully and with elegance.
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The movements also help with one’s posture.

In short, belly dancing classes will help you stand taller, both literally and figuratively.

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Register for classes at Bella Diva Dance today.

New Year, New Classes!

Ballet Classes

Two New Course Offerings Coming to Bella Diva – Feb, 2021

Starting Sunday, Feb. 7th we will be offering Adult Ballet taught by Elizabeth Buckius and another Beginner Belly Dance section instructed by Anna Saakova. 

Adult Ballet with Elizabeth Buckius Sundays 12:45-1:45 pm

Adult Ballet with Elizabeth Buckius

At Bella Diva we want to empathize ballet is for everybody and can be done by any BODY.  This class will be a great add-on for all our world dancers who wish to develop classical dance training and stage presence for performance. Adult ballet is a great workout for the whole body. Ballet is a weight-bearing form of exercise that strengthens muscles, promotes healthy bones, and burns calories. Because ballet uses the full range of muscles, it’s also great for cognitive functions such as coordination and concentration.  

Some of the many benefits of studying ballet as an adult: 

  1. Improves flexibility
  2. Improves muscle strength while lengthening muscles
  3. Improves coordination and balance  
  4. Improves posture 
  5. Develops self-expression
  6. Improves concentration
  7. Great for mindfulness and relaxation
  8. Improves stamina 

Our class will be adhering to the Vaganova Method of ballet. The Vaganova Method is a ballet technique and training system devised by the Russian dancer and pedagogue Agrippina Vaganova (1879–1951). It is acknowledged all over the world as the foremost training syllabus of the classical ballet.  

The Method is an extraordinary system that permits to develop the knowledge of how one’s body should be used in order to dance with expression, yet without injuries, like the best Russian dancers do. It is the foremost technique used by Mikhael Baryshnikov, Rudolph Nureyev, Natalia Makarova, Galina Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya, and other stars of Russian classical ballet. 

Vaganova’s conviction that all theory must be enriched by the experience of teaching and new developments in artistic practice is also at the core of the Method: “Look at life all around; everything is growing, everything is moving forward. Therefore I recommend keeping in touch with life and with art.” 

Beginner Belly Dance with Anna Saakova Sundays 3:15-4:15 pm

Beginner Belly Dance with Anna Saakova

Anna, from Novorossiysk, Russia, began her dance training at the age of five as a ballroom dancer. Always fascinated by Egyptian mythology and culture, Anna discovered her passion for belly dance in 2006 when she joined Vita Saakova and her dance studio “Gulshan” in Novorossiysk. A year later, Anna was a part of the show group performing at concerts, competitions, and various events. Besides belly dance, Anna was also a part of Roman, Armenian, Bollywood, and Fusion dance troupes. As a solo performer, she won multiple competitions as well as getting first place for group Saidi and Dabke dance.  

In addition to the Bella Diva beginner curriculum, Anna will focus on the shimmy drills, new Egyptian technique, exercises to develop bigger hip amplitude, flexibility, fluidity of arms, various belly dance styles, rhythms, and more. With 11 years of theatrical experience, Anna will teach you the importance of emotional expression on stage, and how this can take your performance to the next level. 

Online Registration is now open! 

Bella Diva to Perform Outside for Kavod Senior Life

Bella Diva Dancers at Kavod

Dancers from Bella Diva Dance will visit Kavod Senior Life on Sunday, September 13th to perform for older adults living on campus. The celebration is both in honor of Grandparents’ Day as well as those residents with September birthdays.

“Social Dis-Dance” Will Entertain & Honor Older Adults

Social isolation and loneliness among older adults have become much of a concern during the time of COVID. While much of the world is slowly starting to go back to work and school and have socially distanced interactions with friends and family, our senior populations in assisted/long-term care facilities seem to have become the forgotten ones. Many of these facilities have been under quarantine for over 175 days, and families haven’t been able to see their loved ones other than by electronic devices or through a window if they are lucky.

Group and outside visitors are no longer allowed, measures needed to stop the virus among a population considered most at risk. That means there are no group exercise classes, arts and crafts, religious services, or visiting entertainers until now.

Kavod Denver
Kavod Senior Life

Inspired by the quarantined Italians who opened their balconies to sing to one another to fight loneliness, Bella Diva World Dance will bring their Social Dis-Dance showcase on the road to perform outside for the residents of Kavod Senior Living in Cherry Creek. For a population cut off from the rest of the world, they are bringing the world to them. Residents will be able to open their windows from their apartments to look out and hear music from around the globe accompanying 50 dancers performing Hula, Bollywood, Belly Dance, Afro-Caribbean, and Persian dance on the ground below. Pedestrians and passersby will also be able to stop and catch the show.

“We are so grateful to have the talented dancers from Bella Diva Dance come to perform for us. They have been one of our residents’ favorite groups in the past; their presence is even more meaningful now due to limited activity options related to COVID-19 restrictions.”

Connie Moore, Director of Life Enrichment for Kavod.

Artistic Director Caitlin Brozna-Smith says, “The global pandemic has been especially hard on our elderly population when it comes to the long-term effects of isolation and social distancing. At the heart of what it means to be human is the need to connect with others. I know enjoying dance and hearing music from different world cultures play a powerful part in being able to connect and learn about other life experiences through their stories. We want the Kavod community to know we love them and support them. They have not been forgotten and still matter!”

When? Sunday September 13th 2-4 PM
Where? Kavod Senior Living, 44 South Adams Street, Denver 80209