One Billion Rising 2016 Denver Capitol, Bella Diva dance studio organizes One Billion Rising demonstration at Denver Pavilion and Denver Capitol Building February 14, 2016

Dancing is a great way for people of all ages to get and stay in shape.
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Besides being fun, dancing has many positive health benefits. Certain styles of dance can have a tremendous impact on your overall flexibility, strength, endurance level, and emotional well-being. Many people have turned to dancing as a way to exercise. Depending on your goals, a dance class could be a fun way to improve your health and body form.

1.  Flexibility

health tips for dancersFlexibility is an important part of being healthy. Dance requires a great amount of flexibility. Most dance classes begin with stretching exercises. Dancers must strive to achieve full range of motion for all the major muscle groups. The greater the range of motion, the more muscles can flex and extend. Most forms of dance require dancers to perform moves that require bending and stretching, so dancers naturally become more flexible by simply dancing.

Our classes that help increase flexibility:

2.  StrengthLatin Dance

Strength is defined as the ability of a muscle to exert a force against resistance. Dancing builds strength by forcing the muscles to resist against a dancer’s own body weight. Many styles of dance require jumping and leaping high into the air. Jumping and leaping require tremendous strength of the major leg muscles.

The following dance styles make you stronger:

3.  Endurance

bella diva dance performer angelaDance is physical exercise. Exercise increases endurance. Endurance is the ability of muscles to work hard for increasingly longer periods of time without fatigue. Regular dancing is great for improving endurance. Elevating the heart rate can increase stamina. Just as in any form of exercise, regular dancing will build endurance.

If you’d like to improve your endurance, the following dances will increase it:

4.  Sense of Well-BeingNishta feature

Dancing is a social activity. Studies have shown that strong social ties and socializing with friends contribute to high self-esteem and a positive outlook. Dancing provides many opportunities to meet other people. Joining a dance class can increase self-confidence and build social skills.
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Because physical activity reduces stress and tension, regular dancing gives an overall sense of well-being.

A few styles of dance can enhance your well-being, including: