healthy holiday eating tips

It’s everyone’s favorite time of the year, and it smells of pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and the Christmas cookies are just around the corner. The holidays are very anticipated by many mainly because of the food, with much reason. According to research, this is the time of the year when people gain the most weight. Apparently, if we make one extra pound, then it will continue to add up year after year. It might even mean gaining 5 extra pounds to those who are already overweight. But there’s no reason why we can’t avoid this and enjoy a delicious meal without feeling remorse. Today we share with you some great tips to enjoy the holidays in a healthy way and not put on so much weight.

Outdoor. People on the picnic

Tips for staying healthy these Holidays

Make time to work out and do it more than usual

The fact that we get to enjoy some delicious meals and there are so many social activities doesn’t mean that we leave our exercise aside. That’s the usual case; on the contrary, we should be making more time to work out to compensate all those carb filled dinners and delicious desserts and treats. A useful tip is to drink a large glass of water before a meal. Also, avoid showing up on an empty stomach, this will make you binge unnecessarily. Skipping meals to make room for the turkey will also slow down your metabolism.

Make smart decisions and eat with your heart

It might sound contradictory, but the idea is that you put some thought into what you really love eating. If you stick to eating what makes you tickle and avoid eating foods just because they’re on the table, you’ll be making smarter choices. The idea is to avoid over-eating. Don’t end up so full you can’t move. Again, these are practices that slow down your metabolism and make you gain weight.

Food and health tipsBe balanced

Even though it sounds tricky, it’s achievable. People go to the extremes with many things during holidays, such as drinking alcohol excessively. When we drink alcohol in large amounts, we intoxicate our bodies and also add large amounts of unnecessary calories that make us gain weight. Also, be balanced with the quantity of sweets and food you put on your plate. Some people have more than one holiday dinner on the same night, no need to eat a fully loaded plate twice!


The holidays are mainly about sharing with the family and friends. Remember to be thankful for what you have, and to spread the love in harmony and peace. Read other advice on healthy food substitutions and how to boost your energy levels with superfoods.