What to Expect From Your First Belly Dance Class

Your First Belly Dance Class

The first step is always the hardest, and it’s no different for belly dancing. If you’re curious about belly dance class but nervous about what to expect, let’s relieve you of those nerves and give you an overview of our classes’ structure and what you should wear to your first class.

How Are Dance Classes Structured

Before we get to belly dancing specifically, let’s talk about how our classes are structured. Knowing what to expect will help you relax and prepare yourself for the day. We know it can feel overwhelming. We all share a curriculum but recognize everyone is different and has different abilities. 

Class structure:

  • Full-body warm-ups
  • Lesson plans following a shared curriculum
  • Authentic choreography
  • Cool-downs
Belly Dancing Classes
A hip scarf is recommended for Belly dance classes but is not required.

Fundamental to Bella Diva is our inclusive environment. Everyone is welcome. Our community and teaching staff are centered around trust, support, encouragement, and a commitment to every dancer’s growth and personal journey to becoming a well-rounded global citizen. 

Your First Belly Dance Class

Expect to learn a unique blend of modern Egyptian, Oriental, and Lebanese style dance techniques. We focus on body awareness, proper alignment, and clean movement execution from the first class, as these are foundational to your progress and mastery of the dance.

To ensure every student thrives, we promise no more than 18 people in one class. A low student-to-teacher ratio is fundamental to growth and progress. 

What to Wear

We dance barefoot in dance or athletic clothing designed for support, comfort, and maximum reach and movement. Leggings, athletic pants, tank tops, and t-shirts should be form-fitting. 

Loose-fitting clothing, while comfortable, prevents teachers from seeing your movements and won’t give you proper corrections and instructions. 

If you want to wear something to protect and support your feet, please wear dance slippers or sneakers that have not been outside. Indoor shoes only. 

Finally, because hip movements are emphasized in belly dancing, a hip scarf is recommended but optional. The scarf helps frame your hip’s movements and gives your fabulous shimmies a little extra.

Sign Up for Your First Belly Dance Class in Denver

We love to welcome new people to our world dance community. If you’re interested in belly dance classes taught by authentic professional dance instructors, Bella Diva is the place for you. 

Sign up for belly dance classes and join our community. 

Reach Your Dance Goals at Bella Diva in Denver

Student in Colorful World Dance Costumes Performing On Stage

Bella Diva is more than a dance studio; we’re also a professional dance company that performs all around Denver. When you join our dance community, our dedicated teaching staff will ensure that you get what you need to reach your dance goals.

Becoming a Well-Rounded Dancer

The more well-rounded you are as a dancer, the more opportunities will open up in the professional world of dance. We strive to bring authenticity to world dance classes at Bella Diva, from Belly Dancing, Samba, Bollywood, and more. 

Reach Your Dance Goals At Bella Diva
Bella Diva is a professional dance company, offering our students many opportunities to perform around Denver.

Our faculty is diverse, providing students with various dance styles to grow as dancers. There are many performance opportunities for professional world dancers. We want to build a rich and colorful company and share the art of world dance presentation with our local community and beyond.

Reach Your Dance Goals

World dance has many styles and traditions and requires different skills to capture the movement and the rhythms. From the slower, fluid movements of Belly Dancing to the more high-intensity and fast-paced footwork of Samba, our curriculum allows students to become well-rounded world dancers. 

We offer classes for all levels and abilities, meeting each student where they are in their dance journey and helping your to grow and reach your dance goals. A diverse dance curriculum and a dedicated faculty do more than teach choreography. They help students feel the movements, rhythms, and music to bring authenticity to each world dance style. 

By including fun workouts and various styles, we keep it fun and exciting. When you are having fun and being challenged, growth happens naturally.  

Sign Up for Multiple World Dance and Fitness Classes

Repeated exposure to class materials is vital to improving and growing as a dancer. Bella Diva offers multiple classes for our dancers to become well-rounded and reach their dance goals. Our On-Demand feature even allows students to continue to grow and learn, even if they are unable to join us physically in the studio.

Sign up for classes and see where the world of dance can take you!

Quality World Dance And Fitness Classes in Denver

World Dance and Fitness Classes

Bella Diva is a dance studio and performance company focusing on world dance and fitness classes. Our mission is to create a community for dancers and elevate the art of world dance presentation. Whether you’re looking to enrich your life with world dance classes, improve your health and fitness, or aspire to build a career in dance, Bella Diva strives to give every student what they need to achieve their goals. 

What to Look For in a Dance Studio

To thrive and grow as a dancer, you need to find a dance studio where you feel comfortable, encouraged, and supported in your goals. The environment is a crucial element to a great dance studio. At Bella Diva, we want to bring authenticity and integrity to the art of world dance presentation, while nurturing a community of dancers who share our passion. 

World Dance And Fitness Classes
Our committed to bringing authenticity and integrity to the art of world dance presentation.

Professional Faculty for World Dance and Fitness Classes

We have ten faculty members, a resident costume designer, and a professional performing company. First-time students will have a chance to see just how far they can go and what opportunities await in the world dance arena. 

While diverse in experience and expertise of different world dance styles, our faculty all share the same curriculum so that our students have a clear path to success. 

Ongoing Dance Education

We have built a curriculum that has something for everyone and every BODY. We teach many world dance styles and provide ongoing continuing education and training. Our students can explore more in-depth at our seasonal workshops and from visiting guest master instructors from Brazil, India, Iran, and the Middle East. 

Low Student-To-Faculty Ratio

You will never have more than 18 people in one class. The low student-to-faculty ratio ensures that every student gets the attention they need and deserve to grow as a dancer. 

Professional Performance Opportunities

The Bella Diva dance studio has the privilege of performing at many cultural events, private events, and other performance arenas and building a career as a professional world dancer. We also produce our own semi-annual student showcases where students get to perform and show off their abilities in front of an audience. 

Sign Up for World Dance and Fitness Classes in Denver 

We are committed to building a community of world dancers and global citizens. Sign up for world dance and fitness classes in Denver and see if Bella Diva is the right fit for you.

Try Dance Fitness Classes To Achieve Fitness Goals in 2022

Dance Fitness Classes

Every January, we all vow to be more physically active, improve fitness, and generate a healthy body image. By February, we’ve given up. The reason people tend to fail in their new year’s fitness resolutions is that they don’t see results and are not having fun. Dance fitness classes can help you achieve specific goals, but they can do so much more. The diverse and inspiring Bella Diva community is infectious, and you’ll want to stay long after you’ve reached your fitness goals.

Dance Fitness Classes Support a Healthy Body Image

While you may have specific goals, like losing weight or gaining muscle tone, dance fitness classes are about becoming a healthier and the best version of yourself. We don’t focus on the feedback you get from the mirror and scale, but how you feel and move in your body.

Dance Fitness Classes
Sign up for dance fitness classes!

Our Denver-based dance studio focuses our classes and goals on being the best version of ourselves, regardless of our body type.

World Dance and Fitness Classes

While most of our world dance classes focus on specific world dance styles, we recognize the need for our members to stay fit and healthy. However, our dance fitness classes aren’t about achieving a specific body image that meets archaic, patriarchal standards but about gaining strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination to make you a better dancer and a healthier person. 

Dance Fitness Classes Include:

Outwardly, dance fitness classes are high-energy, full-body cardio workouts. Inwardly, our mission is to inspire change and build a global community through the power of dance. Don’t get us wrong, you will see (and feel) the results physically, but the connections we build through dance will keep you coming back for more.  

The goal is always to push your own limits and gain a healthy understanding of your physical abilities, regardless of what reflection is in the mirror or the number on the scale. 

Sign Up for World Dance and Dance Fitness Classes in Denver

If you’re looking to improve your physical fitness and body image, sign up for our dance fitness classes. The results will exceed expectations, physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Expand Your Horizons With World Dance Classes

World Dance Classes in Denver

The start of the year has most of us vowing to seek out new experiences. World dance classes aren’t just about dancing and physical transformation; it’s about expanding your horizons and trying something new in 2022. 

It rhymes, therefore it must be true!

How World Dance Classes Can Enrich Your Life

If you’re passionate about exploring cultures, traveling, and having a blast with a community of like-minded people, Bella Diva is the place for you. Our professional world dance instructors add authenticity and passion to every class, teaching you so much more than just choreography and dance moves. 

World Dance Classes in Denver
Samba is just one of the many world dance classes we teach at Bella Diva.

World dance classes are like a passport to exotic faraway places, without the travel delays, international COVID-restrictions, and expenses. At Bella Diva, each class will introduce you to a new culture and traditions. World dance teaches us to celebrate our differences and proves how interconnected we are. 

World Dance Styles

We have a solid team of professional dance instructors from across the globe to teach world dance classes in every style. Plus, we always bring in new instructors for specialty classes to introduce something new or to expand on the dance styles we already teach. 

Our community is a multi-cultural and ethnic group of aspiring professional dancers and world dance enthusiasts. We support and uplift each other to reach our dance and fitness goals, bringing a global dance movement to Denver and beyond. 

World Dance Styles Include:

  • Samba
  • Belly Dance
  • Bollywood
  • Caribe Soul
  • Classical Persian
  • Polynesian
  • MORE!

Come for a brand new experience; stay for the all-inclusive, fun, and relaxing atmosphere. Who knows, you may even end up performing on stage or at cultural events and exhibitions. 

Register for Classes at Our Denver World Dance Studio

Sign up for world dance classes that pique your interest and curiosity. Challenge yourself by experiencing something new and expanding your cultural horizons. We’ve got something for everyone. 

Register for classes today!

World Dance Classes Can Help Keep Fitness Goals in 2022


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Can People With Two Left Feet Learn Rhythm and Dance?

Learn to Move and Dance At Bella Diva

We all have a lot of fears and insecurities that prevent us from trying new things. When it comes to dancing, many people make excuses for themselves for why they are not good at dancing. The old concept of having “two left feet” has prevented many from experiencing the joys of dancing. While some may be born with a natural ability to dance, everyone can learn rhythm and dance, regardless of how they perceive their abilities. 

How to Learn Rhythm and Dance

We’re inspired daily by dance competition shows, TikTok, and music videos feeding our desire to learn to dance. However, the people you are watching are professionals. Even the best dance videos are rehearsed and planned out before being put on social media.

The first step to learning rhythm and dance is to accept that you are starting from the beginning, which means you’re going to make mistakes (a lot of mistakes), and you’re going to look and feel awkward in your body. Understand that these are all normal, beginner steps we all have to go through. 

Learn Rhythm and Dance At Bella Diva in Denver
Anyone can learn rhythm and dance; you just need to get out of your own head and sign up for classes!

Beginner Dance Classes By Professional Instructors

We focus on world dance classes, yoga, and dance fitness at Bella Diva, but the principles are the same as any other dance class and style. We start from the beginning, teaching beginner students the foundation of the dance, taking it step-by-step, movement by movement, until the dance becomes an integrated part of your body. 

We teach you how to hear the rhythm in the music and train your body to respond and move your body to tell a story and flow through the choreography smoothly and naturally. 

Can Rhythm Be Taught?

You can learn rhythm, but first, you have to get out of the negative headspace telling you that you can’t dance. Dance should come from the heart and soul, but you need your head to send the right signals to the rest of your body. You need to overcome the mental obstacles you’ve created before you can open up your mind, body, and spirit to the rhythm and music. 

You may think that you have no rhythm, but it is exactly that kind of negative thinking that’s preventing you from dancing like no one is watching. 

Learn Rhythm and Dance at Denver World Dance Studio

We’ve got an inclusive world dance community with dancers in all stages, from beginner to professional. We support and encourage each other; it is a space free of judgment. Come and try a few beginner world dance classes, build up your confidence, improve coordination, and start to move to the rhythm like you were born to dance. 

Sign up for classes!

Authentic World Dance Classes Taught by Professional World Dance Instructors

Authentic World Dance Classes Taught By Professional Instructors

Dancing is an incredible form of exercise that millions of people find fun and exciting. Not only this, but it can bring people from all over the world closer together. If you want to learn world dance styles, like Belly Dancing, Bollywood, Samba, and more, look for authentic world dance classes taught by a diverse group of professional world dance instructors from around the world.

What You Gain From Authentic World Dance Classes

Every culture has its own unique way of dancing, and it’s truly beautiful when they are all brought together. Here are some of the many reasons why you should learn different world dance styles from professional world dance instructors from across the globe. 

Authentic World Dance Classes
Learn world dance from instructors from around the globe to add authenticity to each class.

Deeper Understanding of Cultural Significance of Dancing

Dancing is not just about physical movement. There is so much culture and character in each different dance style. By attending classes and learning from a diverse group of professional world dance instructors, you can gain a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of dance and its true origins. 

Deeper Connection to the Movements and Music

Learning different authentic world dance styles from a range of professionals also enable you to understand and connect to the dance movements. Not only this, but you will also be able to gain a stronger sense of connection with the music. This can significantly improve your coordination and dance abilities. 

Learning About Other Cultures

The beauty of being taught by a culturally diverse group of professional instructors is that you can learn about their individual cultures. Everybody has a unique story to tell, and they hold unique beliefs. Through dance classes, you can widen your cultural knowledge and share your own beliefs with others. 

Sign Up For Authentic World Dance Classes in Denver

Please see our website to check out the classes that we offer in multiple world dance styles. If you want to register for classes, you can sign up on the website or the team at Bella Diva a call. 

World Dance Classes Are for Everyone

World dance classes are for everyone, regardless of age, ability, sexual orientation, and cultural and ethnic background.  We celebrate and share our diversity at Bella Diva through music, rhythm, movement, and dance. Don’t be scared to join a world dance class because you don’t share a cultural background with the dance style. World dance classes are for everyone, regardless of who you are, what you look like, or where you come from.

World Dance Classes Teaches Cultural Appreciation

There is a misconception that you shouldn’t participate in a cultural event unless you share that culture for fear of cultural appropriation — quite the opposite. As long as you come with an open heart and mind to broaden your knowledge of history, cultures, and traditions and immerse yourself in the dance, movements, and music, then Bella Diva is just the place for you. 

World Dance Classes Denver
We welcome everyone at our Denver World Dance Studio!

You don’t have to hail from Egypt to experience the joy of Belly Dancing or have Brazilian ancestry to learn the Samba. No one will check your 23andMe to make sure you belong in a Hula A’uana class or learn the fundamentals of Tahitian dance. If you are here and ready to give it 100 % at all times, then you are welcome, you belong, and we are happy to have you!

You don’t even have to have a background in dance. We’ve got plenty of beginner classes to ease you into the world of dance.

Diverse World Dance Teachers

A diverse group of world dance teachers from all over the world brings authenticity to every class. We have our regular teaching staff and continually invite guest instructors to join us for specialty classes and workshops. 

Blending World Dance Styles

Sharing cultures, whether through dance, theater, music, or all of the above, is how we gain a deeper understanding of each other and how our traditions, cultures, and world dance styles evolve. While they all have a rich history, as the world becomes more accessible through travel and we become more blended as a society, so do our world dance styles. 

Many of our classes have become a fusion of multiple world dance styles, paying homage to tradition and welcoming change. 

Sign Up For World Dance Classes in Denver

If you’re curious about world dance, sign up for a class! Choose a beginner or intermediate class, depending on your previous dance experience, and join our world dance community.

World Dance Enriches Our Local Culture Scene

Sharing Cultures Through World Dance

Sharing cultures and learning to understand the rituals and history will shape the way we think and see the world. One of the oldest ways of sharing cultures is through dance. We encourage and celebrate cultural diversity through world dance classes and performances. Join us! 

Sharing Cultures and Traditions

Authentic dancing can bring multiple cultures together and enrich the local community. It can help people from all backgrounds feel seen, heard, and appreciated. Like they are part of something bigger. This sense of community can do wonders for people’s mental health and strengthen the fabric of our society. 

You can become an integral part of the local culture scene by joining one of the many amazing classes at Bella Diva. We offer a variety of incredible classes from belly dance to yoga to samba. Classes are taught by professional world dancers from across the globe, bringing joy and authenticity to dance. 

Bella Diva World Dance Studio
Join a diverse community of people who celebrate and encourage a multi-cultural world.

World Dance Classes

You can learn about new cultures and share your own culture through our world dance classes. We regularly attend local cultural events and perform in showcases across the country. You can be a part of these performances too! Everybody is welcome at Bella Diva, no matter what culture or background. 

Themed shows are great for corporate events, private parties, school performances, and fundraisers. We host everything from live dance performances and informative dance classes with amazing live music. 

We strongly believe that art and dance can make communities stronger, more well-rounded, and more inclusive. Bella Diva World Dance works to create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere that connects cultures from across the world. 

Where Have We Performed?

Bella Diva has been hired to perform at some incredible venues and Denver landmarks, including: 

  • The Paramount Theatre 
  • The Clocktower Cabaret 
  • The DCPA 
  • The Athena Project Arts Festival 
  • The Denver Zoo 
  • La Rumba
  • Many local restaurants and corporate events 

Contact Our World Dance Studion in Denver

Whether you book us to perform at your event, or you want to be a part of our World Dance Academy, we’ve got something for everyone. Check out our dance classes, or contact us to book our dancers.