Woman doing yoga outdoors

Let’s face it: sometimes, it’s fun to stay in pajamas watching reruns of old movies all day, but this past year, the time we’ve spent alone can have serious consequences for our mental health and wellness. Staying connected to other people and getting some exercise in at the same time, even if it’s virtual, can make a big difference in preventing the negative effects of social isolation. Bella Diva Dance offers virtual dance classes that allow you to learn the moves from the comfort of your own home, while still feeling like you are connected to a community that will support and uplift you through difficult times.

Virtual Dance Classes
Tuning into virtual dance classes from anywhere, such as from at home or at work, will help combat feelings of social isolation.

Impact of Social Isolation

Social isolation can take a serious toll on our mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and a multitude of other issues. But, just because you might be alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. Our virtual dance classes can make you feel less lonely while we patiently wait for the world to open up again. If being a part of the Bella Diva dance community has been a regular part of your routine, virtual classes can bring back a sense of normalcy to not-so-normal times.

Benefits of Virtual Dance Classes

Virtual dance classes offer the same benefits as a standard world dance class, except that you can do them from the comfort of your own home. We can stay safe, active, and together, while still being apart and being careful. You can rewatch and practice sections that you find difficult about world dance styles, and it’s a way to keep up with choreography and movements until you feel comfortable coming back to the studio for in-person classes.

The physical aspects of dance classes, whether it’s yoga, Bollywood, belly dance, or samba, will get your heart pumping and the adrenaline flowing, which is nature’s anti-anxiety medication, http://www.papsociety.org/xanax-alprazolam-1-mg/. Dance classes, whether in studio or virtually, will keep your mind, body, and spirit active and strong as we’re heading into the home stretch (fingers crossed!) of this pandemic.

Register for virtual online dance classes to start connecting with other dancers virtually.