Dancing Health Benefits

Dancing, as a whole, has many health benefits for all ages. Researchers have found that dancing reduces the feeling of stress, increases energy levels, improves muscle tone, and can even improve an individual’s coordination. It can also lead to lower risks of heart disease, decrease blood pressure, and assist people in managing their weight.

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Dancing has many other physical and mental benefits for the participant. The physical benefits of dance include an increased body awareness, cardiovascular endurance, muscle toning, and even bone strength. You may have noticed from watching those dancing television shows that dancers have a certain way of moving all the time. This is because dancers generally have great body awareness. They are used to having control over their bodies, and they know what their bodies can do.

Dancing classes that include aerobics will generally involve quick-paced movements that are designed to get the heart rate up. This increase in heart rate over a period of time leads to greater cardiovascular endurance. An example is Latin dance, which requires the use of many muscle groups at once.

Often, the arms are up in the air, the hips and core are twisting, and the legs and feet are moving fast all at the same time. All of this constant movement leads to a more toned and slimmed muscle tone.

Lastly, like walking or jogging, dancing is a weight-bearing activity that will help maintain bone density.

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Mental benefits from dance include memory improvement, increased self-esteem, and stress relief. Memorizing steps and being able to recall them from week to week is a great way to improve memory. With the various choices for exercise and physical activity, dancing is quickly becoming a favorite for the crowd.

The benefits that it has for both the body and the mind make it a great choice for anyone who is looking for a fun way to bring activity to their lives.

Basic tips for women who want to be healthy

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On the other hand, if you hear this advice and nod without really doing it, then it’s time to get off your feet and start doing something for yourself. We are the only ones that can take care of ourselves. It’s our responsibility to do what’s best for our mental and physical well-being. Here is some easy advice on how to be a healthier person.advice for healthy women

Basic tips to be
a healthy woman

1. Sleep plenty

People don’t emphasize on this too much because it is easy to get used to sleeping less and bad. We grow accustomed to our routines and don’t realize that we’re taking years away from our lives. Most people don’t sleep enough hours and let alone, sleep well. We need enough sleep to recover and process any new information. It’s important we let our bodies rest and recuperate to function adequately. A bad habit people is to go to sleep with the phone or tablet in hand.

The screen’s bright light and spending more time than you need on a social network can deprive you from getting enough good-night sleep.

2. Drink enough water

We need water, our bodies are mostly composed of it! A very good tip is to drink a large glass of water, first thing in the morning. When we wake up we’re dehydrated because we have been sleeping for hours and burning calories. During the day, we should drink large amounts of liquid. Our body, and every cell in it, requires water. It’s a mandatory basic element for many body functions. And we’re not referring to ingesting liquids, we mean you should be drinking plain colorless pure water all day long!

healthy women move3. Get moving!

Working out, taking a walk or the stairs instead of the elevator, doing a stretching routine, anything can trigger many positive benefits in our bodies. Exercise helps us in all levels: physical, mental and emotional. Make sure to take breaks during your work day and move around or get off your feet, we can’t be static sitting down all day. When you exercise, you feel more energized, sleep better, feel happier, reduce illness risks, and more. Start working out today to get these amazing benefits.

Put these tips into action and you will start living a healthier life. Remember it’s important to take care of what we eat, as well.
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We will continue to share more health tips and advice for women. Read more about health tips for women and learn some important stretching exercises.

Best Healthy Food Substitutions

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People become more aware of what they eat when they visit the doctor, a nutritionist or get a red flag in a regular check-up. We should always aim to eat the best way we can. With today’s information boasting from everywhere, it’s easy to learn how to do things in an easy but healthier way. Eating the healthier option and learning how to substitute regular unhealthy ingredients from your recipes will help you achieve a good health condition.

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Tricks and options to substitute food in your kitchen

Coconout Oil Popcorn

Microwave popcorn not only contains a lot of chemicals for the flavoring, how it’s packed and color, but also it contains bad trans fats that we should avoid as much as possible. Once you do this once, you won’t buy another bag of microwave popcorn. It’s super easy and delicious! Melt enough coconut oil in a stove pot so that it covers the corn kennels.
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First, add only 3-4 kennels and wait until they pop. Once they pop, add the rest of the kennels and wait until they all pop.
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Best healthy delicious popcorn ever!

Sweet Potatoe Fries

Orange and dark colored veggies and legumes are filled with great stuff. Beta-carotene, a natural pigment, gives them these beautiful dark colors and at the same time provides us with a good quantity of Vitamin A plus 57 percent more fiber and 55 percent more Vitamin C than white potatoes. So switch from potato to a sweet one, and enjoy them baked, roasted, or mashed and skip the butter as its got a yummy flavor. You can easily ask for these at many restaurants now.
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Avocado butter

Personally, I can’t get enough of avocados. A friend of mine said it was like eating butter. And indeed, it’s characteristics are similar as both are fats and have nearly the same consistency at room temperature. There are some recipes that use avocado to make amazing fudge brownies and other delicious desserts or sauces. Here’s an easy and delicious avocado brownie recipe and also a black bean brownie one!

Other alternatives to regular white flour

One of the things we need to get rid of are the white powders: white flour, white refined sugar and salt. We constantly abuse of these and one of the best way to avoid them is substituting them. When baking, switch white flour to any of the many great options. You can now find flour made from almonds, nut flours, coconut flour, or even wheat flour, much better than white one.

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Eating the best way possible will increase the nutrients you ingest and will reduce many health risks. Another great way to get you started on a healthy diet is to detox your body, learn some great tips to get started on a healthy detox. Read more about snacks to avoid when trying to lose weight.

Women Health Tips: Detox your body

Aerobic Exercises

Need help on starting to detoxify your body?

Summer’s been over for a while. No, there’s no need to rub it in. However, it is time to get you back on your feet and go back to the healthy routine you had. If you didn’t have one, it’s time to get started. One of the best ways to get begin is to complete a detox program and include healthy tips into your daily routine. Some practices are healthy eating, snacking well, exercising, drinking plenty water and sleeping well. You will be guaranteed to see and feel results, and also get benefits on the long-run.

During vacation days, it’s common for people to indulge and eat poorly, overeat, overdo the desserts and, primordially, drink alcohol in excess. Now that the fun’s over, it’s time to do some damage repair and get back on your feet with a healthy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at some tips to start detoxifying your body.

Detoxifying your body
Looking for a healthier lifestyle? A good place to start is detoxifying your body.

Tips to help your body detox

Hydrate and flush out toxins

We can’t get enough of water. It’s comprehensive; water is the major component in our bodies, about 75%. Extra salt, sugar, and alcohol can dehydrate your body. Start the day with a tall glass of lukewarm water with lemon or a warm cup of tea. Try to drink up to 100 ounces to flush everything out. Incorporate Green Tea into your diet. This is a powerful antioxidant source that will get you get rid of free radicals. We recommend drinking 2 to 3 cups a day. Another recommended tea is Dandelion Root Tea, as it focuses on liver detoxification.


No wonder this little (sometimes dreaded) fellow keeps showing up in on our lists. Exercising is definitely the best thing for your overall physical and emotional states. The term “sweat it out” exists for a reason. Sweat is one of the best mechanisms the body has to get rid of toxins. Working out hard will make you sweat out those toxins and also increase the levels of endorphins in your blood. These will make you feel energized and help you keep up the good detox work.

Sleep like a baby

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do to regenerate and restart your body. Make sure you get back to your normal sleeping cycles, to get your body back to its regular circadian rhythm. Try to sleep for 8 to 10 hours at a minimum. Go to bed early, in a dark room with no distractions. That means no TV, no phone, no computer and also as little everyday stress as possible. Try to leave your work worries at work, and to go to bed as light-minded as possible. Meditation, exercising, yoga, laughing and enjoying your favorite hobby will help you relieve stress. Your body will be forever grateful with good night sleep.

Healthy eating Food for the heart

There is no magic trick, it all comes down to what we eat. We are what we eat. Many powerful green juices will help you detoxify your body. These juices usually include greens like celery, cucumber, spinach and fruit like lemons, apples, and pineapple. These are vitamin filled potent detoxifiers that will get your liver and kidneys a boost. Add to your diet other green veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. If this is a life defining moment for you, then start gradually. Learn quick, easy recipes, fall in love with your local green smoothie store, do whatever but do it!

So yeah, basically the list above is a list of health musts. Adding these powerful practices to your post-vacation life will help you feel better and more energized. Incorporating these things into your daily routine will provide you a healthier lifestyle along with many long-run benefits. Read more about Essential Women Health Tips and some of the amazing benefits provided by Green Tea.


The Amazing Benefits of Green Tea

Facts on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

It’s widely recognized as the preferred tea for weight loss programs, as it is a great substitute for sugary sodas. And not only Dr. Oz drinks it daily, but nutritionists and other specialists will highly recommend to drink green tea often. There are plenty reasons for that: drinking Green Tea provides an extensive list of health benefits that will make you go rush for a cup!

Taking care of ourselves includes adding into our daily routines practices that will help our bodies in the long run. Drinking green tea is definitely one of those habits that will make your body smile! Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits you can obtain from drinking Green Tea.

Health Benefits Obtained from Drinking Green Tea

Helps Prevent Cancer Red Raspberry Tea Benefits

Green Tea is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins, which act as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants are paramount to fight and reduce free radicals to protect cells and molecules from damage. Harvard Women’s Health Watch magazine recognizes drinking Green Tea reduces the risk of several cancers, including skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal and, bladder.

Lowers Cholesterol

The same Harvard Medical publication stated that green tea can block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol and instead increase HDL (good) cholesterol which improves artery function. Green tea improves blood flow giving you healthy blood vessels.

Helps fight diseases

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Those same catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which are very effective in treating diseases from an influenza and including cancer. Studies have shown it has inhibited the spread of many diseases.

Helps prevent and control Diabetes

Green tea seems to regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This helps prevent high insulin spikes that cause fat storage, as well.

Helps Protect your Brain

Having healthier blood vessels help bring blood to all your body, and the brain is no exception. Research has shown greater activity in the working-memory area of their brains. It helps block the formation of of plaques that are linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Increases Fat Burning

Green tea is known to increase the metabolism. The polyphenol found in it intensifies the level of fat oxidation. Studies have also shown results of women who had significant decreases in body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference and abdominal fat.

Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

The fact it reduces levels of bad cholesterol in our blood, improves blood circulation, helps control sugar blood levels and its powerful antioxidants help protect good cholesterol particles it’s just the perfect combo to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Start drinking Green Tea today to obtain the many great benefits that we showed you today! Remember, these are just some of the advantages it provides drinking Green tea. Including healthy practices, like drinking Green Tea, into our daily routine will give us real benefits on the present moment and the long run! Read about the Benefits of drinking Red Raspberry Tea here!

Getting around PMS

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Only us women can truly understand the many implications and events that happen in the lives of a woman. One of those events is the inevitable monthly visit of our menstrual periods. To some it is an uneventful thing, to others it involves more than cramps and choosing the preferred maxi pad. One thing is certain, PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome is the ugly cousin that accompanies our period.

PMS can strike around 85% of women with cramping, bloating, and general crabbiness. There is no real cure to PMS but there are some things we can do to alleviate the discomfort and prevent some of the symptoms. Today we share with you some tips to get around PMS.

Tips to Managing PMS 

Facts on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

Avoid Caffeine: research suggests that the effects of caffeine are magnified premenstrually, leading to greater breast tenderness, more nervousness, and more irritability. Instead of having your regular coffee or tea, switch to herbal teas and other decaffeinated beverages. Alcohol can also exacerbate feelings of depression, so steer clear from it on the days previous to your period.

Drink Chamomile Tea: this herb contains properties that relieve muscle spasm and may help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps. Additionally, it reduces tension which may lead to anxiety and irritability, which helps alleviate mood swings. This is the ideal herbal tea to drink instead of any caffeinated beverage as it’s naturally caffeine-free.
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Get on your feet and exercise: even though it might be hard to do, exercising actually helps you alleviate mood swings and cramps. The rush of endorphins caused when you exercise will relieve cramps and raise the levels of serotonin, which is a mood-lifting neurotransmitter.

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Get Calcium and Vitamin D foods and supplements: a research in women with high intakes of Calcium and Vitamin D showed that they were less likely to develop PMS. Aim to get at least 3 servings of calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, fortified orange juice or soy milk. An alternative is taking at least 1200 mg of Calcium a day. Make sure to avoid salt and salty foods. Salt causes bloating and water retention, which are also symptoms of PMS. Salty foods can worsen these symptoms.
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2015 Semi Annual Student Showcase
Dancing and having fun are beneficial to women’s health