Yoga for Happier Hips

Hip flexors have to carry our bodies all day, all the time. They’re responsible for a lot of our movement, really. From walking to sitting to standing, they are always activated, and this means they are at greater risk for injury.
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There are some ways you can get those hips a little looser. Read on.

No More Tight Hips with These Yoga Moves

One of the “tightest” muscles in the human body is called iliopsoas or psoas. It starts from the lower back area, goes all through the pelvis, and attaches to the thigh bone. If there’s ever hip flexor pain, the psoas is most likely involved.

Yoga Poses for Happier HitsSymptoms of a tight psoas:

  • Lower back and/or abdominal pain
  • Leg and/or groin pain
  • Pelvic discomfort
  • Trouble standing/sitting
  • Inability to perform sit-ups

Causes of psoas pain:

  • Sitting for extended periods
  • Sleeping on the side or in the fetal position
  • Excess weight
  • Running excessively
  • Climbing large amounts of stairs
  • Performing high number of sit-ups or leg ups (repetitive strain)


3 Yoga Postures to Release Psoas

These poses can help engage, lengthen, and even release the tight iliopsoas muscles. Practicing these regularly can help prevent pain and future injury to the hip flexors.
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Reclining Big Toe Pose (Supta Padangusthasana)

This pose helps to elongate the hamstring muscles and spinal column.

  • Lay flat on your back and bring your right leg upwards.
  • Use a Yoga belt around the balls of the feet just under the toes, or grab onto the right big toe with your index finger and attempt to straighten the right leg foot up to the ceiling.
  • Keep the left leg straight and strong, pressing the back of the knee into the floor to assist in opening the lower spine.
  • Keep the head and neck long but make sure they are relaxed.
  • Hold for 5-10 breaths then switch to the other side and repeat.
  • Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

This pose assists in spinal mobility. It also opens the chest and solar plexus areas.

  • Once again, lay down with your back on the floor.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet approximately 1 ft. away from the buttocks, aligned with the hip sockets.
  • Inhale as you rotate the pubic bone towards the sky and lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Clasp the hands behind your back to assist in opening the chest.
    For added support, place a yoga block or pillow between the knees.
  • Hold for 5-10 whole breaths, then slowly relax back down to the floor.

Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1)

This pose helps to open the hips and strengthen the legs.

  • From a standing position, step the left leg forward and bend the left knee to 90 degrees. The right foot should point outwards at approximately 75 degrees.
  • Raise the hands above your head as you gently lengthen from the base of the spine and gaze gently up towards the sky from the base of the skull.
  • Hold this pose for 2 to 5 deep breaths then switch to the other side

Adapted from

Talk to your Yoga instructor if you have symptoms of hip flexor tightness. They can recommend that best move for you until you’re fully back on track again.