Samba is a dance of joy, of vibration and pure color.

bella diva dance carnivaleSamba has been Rio de Janiero’s gift to the world. Brazilians are warm-blooded people full of energy and big smiles, and so is their dance, Samba is no exception to the magic. The Carnaval of Rio is the biggest samba event in the world, reproduced in many other places. This dance is now taught all around the world and many get to enjoy the pure energy of dancing Samba. Here are some basic steps and moves of Samba.


Basic Samba moves to get started

Feet: weight transfer

One of the important things is to follow the beat of the music. The basic feet movement involves transferring your weight from one foot to the other one on the beat. Keeping your knees slightly bent, with a toe-heel movement, keep the movement counting “one, two, three, four”.

Hip movement

Hip movement is key! As you move your feet, add a hip movement. When transferring the weight to the right, swing your hip to the right. Then do the same to the left. Make sure to engage your abs to keep in balance and get a core workout.

Arms to the sides

Move your arms opposite to your legs and swing them naturally and relaxed to the sides. Keep them waist high. Remember, the important thing is to keep the beat and smile!

samba squad
Learn Samba in Denver

Samba Classes at Bella Diva Dance

We offer Samba lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students in Denver. We have our Samba No Pe class and an Intermediate/Advanced Samba Technique and Choreography class.  Our classes are thoroughly planned series in which we cover all basic samba foot patterns and sequences, body movements and different styles. Our prices:

4 week month series = $52
5 week month series = $65
$15 Drop-in rate (if spots are available)


Learn Samba today!  Read more about basic tips for women who want to be healthy and how world dance lessons are a great way to stay healthy.