Tone Your Body with Belly Dance

Besides being beautifully exotic, interesting, and fun, belly dance is a great workout and it incorporates several movements that can help tone and firm your bod in just the right places.

Belly Dance for a Firmer Body

It might look complicated but, with the right teachers, it can be rather easy even if you don’t have any dance experience. The combination of all these moves is the equivalent of a full body workout.

Tone Your Arms with Belly DanceBelly Roll

A classic belly dance move. It requires precision and good ab control, which makes this a really intense toning workout.

Small Hip Circle

This move takes a lot of control to keep it contained and make it look nice. Keeping it a small circle will bring more tension and be more effective that a large hip circle.
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Basic Shimmy

When it comes to belly dance, the shimmy is the most basic move. The good thing is that it is really easy to learn. It is great for all core muscles, including abs and obliques and even leg muscles. You can practice it with a song of your liking. If you do so every day, soon you’ll see changes in the tone of your abs.

Snake Arms

This killer arm move will tone your arms in no time. At the beginning, it might not feel like a big deal, but if you hold it for some time, you’ll start feeling great tension in your muscles.
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Tone Your Abs with Belly DanceFigure 8

Vertical Figure 8

A great move for oblique muscles, meaning this one can help you get rid of those dreaded love handles, plus it’s a slick trick you can show off at a club. Practice it for a whole song and feel the burn.

Horizontal Figure 8

A move for your back muscles. If you have some stubborn fat on your lower back, this move will help you tone those quickly.

Get Toned With Belly Dance Now

Book one of our Belly Dance classes now and make it part of your routine. You’ll see how much your muscles start getting toned while you have fun.