Looking up to great dancers is natural, and you should – they are great role models. However, do you ever wonder, “how did they get so good?” Well, guess what? It’s not magic, and it’s not a natural talent, either. Great dancers are great because they do lots of things differently. Read on to find out ten actions they take and why you should, too.

health tips for dancers

Good dancers:

1. Overcome excuses about why they can’t practice

They understand that there’s no way they will keep moving up if they aren’t practicing. Look for and practice moves and concepts that challenge you and practice them until they are perfected.

2. Take music seriously

3. Use both a mirror and video regularly in practice

Analyze yourself and your steps so that you will gain a better perspective on how your steps look.

4. Seek out instructors/mentors

5. Take aches and pains seriously

Our world is full of promising dancers who ignored their injuries and failed to excel. Part of training your body correctly is listening to any aches it may have.

6. Develop a unique voice and perspective

They strive to make new discoveries so that they develop their unique voice and perspective on dancing.

7. Always work on improving fitness

Good muscular balance and aerobic conditioning benefit your dance ability.

8. Truly believe they can do it

They have the ability to improve because they have a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.

9. Get consistent, accurate feedback

Sure, feedback can be daunting, and we may feel attacked, but it is important to receive the perception of others.


They know they are in it for the long run, so they keep going even if it gets really tough.

Do this now!

Grab a notebook and ask yourself which of these qualities you are already putting into practice and which you are neglecting. Evaluate yourself honestly. For each action you can improve on, jot down a few notes about how you can improve. For example, “I want to analyze myself on video more often.” Your notes might say, “Take a 60-second video halfway through practice. Watch it three times, pick two things to work on, then work on them for the rest of practice.”

Remember: being a great dancer is not magic. As soon as you start taking actions to improve your dancing, you’ll see results!