Fight depression with dance

Freestyle dancing

Dance has been known as a performing artistic form that has existed for centuries of human history. But the powers of dance are more extensive than people really know. Alternative treatments to fight physical and mental illnesses are more popular every day. Dance or move therapy are options that can drastically improve a person’s state of mind. Today we share details on how dance can help fight depression.


How dance helps fight depression

Depression has always been considered as one of the most common mood disorders, but many still continue to look at it as a temporary state of mind. People who suffer from depression have difficulty in acknowledging this and have trouble reaching out to others and, eventually, getting started on a treatment, Even though it is a real medical disorder, there is much taboo behind it and myths that prevent us from getting the help we really need. Once a person has been diagnosed and is getting help, including Dance and movement therapy could help drastically.

Dance therapy helps because it promotes two important things: Nsihita_dance2

Exercise to fight depression

Even 15 minutes of exercise can give you a strong dose of endorphins to help you feel better and energized. People who suffer from depression don’t feel like moving much.
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But once you get started, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood.
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Dance helps you relax, making your stress levels go down. Scientists have also found that moving to the rhythm of a song can bring peace of mind, which is considered as a meditation technique.

Express yourself to fight depression

Depressed people may have their creativity and sense of fun blocked. By dancing you’re getting the creativity within flowing and also helps you loosen up positive emotions. Dance increases self-expression and helps people connect with themselves and others. When dancing, you will also experience laughter and fun. Laughter helps lighten your mood as well.

Hip hop

Dance is a great way of body expression and to get your body moving. Join our world dance lessons today! Read about our Dance Specials and Upcoming Performances. Learn more about health tips for women how to survive the holidays in a healthy way.