Why Dancers Practice Yoga

Yoga to strengthen the core

All dancers are ultimately on the same quest: to become better, stronger dancers. To reach beyond their limits, many dancers find they need additional training methods besides dance, and yoga has become a popular choice.
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Why is that so?

Bella Diva Teaching Staff 2015

1. Increased body awareness

While all dance classes focus on position and alignment, yoga classes take this one step further. The slower pace of a yoga class naturally allows for greater precision. For example, instead of just putting your feet into a parallel position, you have time to check that the outside edges of your feet line up the with the outside edges of your mat, your weight is equally distributed to all four corners of your feet, your toes are spread wide, and your pinky toes are anchored firmly into the floor.

By taking the time to fine tune the details of proper alignment, you learn to build each pose from the ground up to create a strong foundation, and to stack the joints for greater stability and power.

2. Increased strength and flexibility

Many of the poses in yoga develop the same muscles that are used for dancing, helping you to strengthen those group muscles. Even though dancers are flexible, most of us have certain tight areas. Poses that focus on these areas will help you unlock a greater range of movement, and since yoga stretches are generally held for longer periods, you get greater results and make the body less prone to injury.
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3. Linking breath to movement

One of the most valuable tools you will learn in yoga is breath control. Many dancers haven’t been taught to use the breath to help power certain actions.
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Even worse, we sometimes forget to breathe at all. Most yoga classes begin with tuning into the breath, focusing on lengthening the inhale and exhale, and working from there to maintain a slow, steady breath through the rest of class.

4. Peace of mind

An important component of yoga is taking a break from the chaotic pace of today’s busy world through focusing on the present. Yoga encourages you to relax, slow your breath, and focus on the here and now; this breath, this pose, this moment. This can turn out to be helpful when you are suffering from stage fright or anxiety during a recital.

5. Become your best self

Clearly, the benefits of yoga go beyond the physical; yoga is also a way to soothe the spirit and find peace of mind.

Whether you are looking to build strength, improve flexibility and balance, or just recalibrate your brainwaves to a more relaxed state, our yoga class has a lot to offer to dancers. By learning to align your body, mind, and spirit on the mat, you will bring your best self to your dance.

Benefits of Yoga for Dancers

Warm Up Before Dancing

Yoga is a great discipline that is becoming more popular with time as people realize all the benefits that you can get from it. Yoga is also a great way to stretch and strengthen your body. And as stretching is an essential part of a dance lesson, yoga can be very beneficial to dancers and people who dance as a physical discipline.

Here at Bella Diva Dance, we strive to provide exceptional service and our talented and experienced instructors will always take care of you. Yoga can improve your flexibility, confidence, and balancing of body. Let’s take a look at some other benefits yoga can provide dancers.

Yoga postures and stretches for Dancers

yoga - child pose

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, also called Power Yoga in the Western hemisphere, focuses on linking the postures with the breathing exercises into a flowing Yoga practice. Because of these unique capabilities of Ashtanga Yoga, it warms up the body before deep stretching to stretch more safely. Also stamina is created; this is beneficial to the dancer’s body for overall performance endurance. Vinyasa Yoga salutations are great for getting the blood flowing, the heart rate up and using work to bring fresh air into the blood. The standing asanas are great and beneficial to those who dance as a physical activity. Some great Yoga poses and stretches are: Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Baddha Konasana (butterfly or bound angle posture), Gomukhasana (Cow Face), Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (Spread leg/foot stretching postures), Ustrasana (Camel), Utthita Trikonasana (Extended three angle posture), among others.

Benefits of Yoga for Dancers

Yoga has been recommended to people who have back ailments, women that are pregnant, people with physical conditions that require strengthening their bodies, to help people relax and liberate stress as it has many health benefits that can improve everyone’s well-being. Here is a list of health benefits that yoga provides.

  • BalanceYoga stretches Bella Diva
  • Clarity of the Mind
  • Confidence
  • Flexibility
  • Improved Circulation
  • Improved Hip Mobility/Flexibility
  • Improved Lung Capacity
  • Posture Improvement
  • Purification of the Body
  • Stamina
  • Strength/Muscle Toning
  • Stress Relief


Bella Diva Dance’s  new studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd.  We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].