What do you need to start dancing today?

Learn About Other Cultures Through Dance

Dancing can be one of the best workouts you experience!

It is also a very creative, free and emotive way of self-expression and artistic performances. Even though you’re amazed by ballet dancers, or latin dancing contests, dance is for anyone and everyone.

Incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle, along with a balanced diet, and enough sleep for a healthy routine. Learn of what you need to start dancing today and of the amazing benefits of dancing.

Bella Diva Dance Studio

What is needed to dance?

It really doesn’t require anything but your will, discipline and effort, plus your feet and a great attitude! Dancing is a physical activity that offers a wide variety of styles to satisfy everyone’s tastes and likes. When you listen to music and involuntarily start moving your feet to the beat, you need more dance in your life. Try any of the many World Dance Classes we offer in Denver: Samba, Belly-dancing, Afro-caribe, Bollywood, Hot Hula, Bharat Natyam, Tribal Infusions Belly Dance, Ballroom Latin Foundations and Classical Foundations.

Benefits of Dance

Exercise will provide you with many benefits to your overall well-being, even if it’s just 10 minutes. A full dance class will provide you with a cardiovascular workout, will liberate endorphins into your body, and leave you feeling less stressed and more relaxed.

Dance will help you increase your body’s flexibilty and strengthen your muscles and bones. It also helps boost your memory and workout your brain in such a way the it prevents dementia, memory loss and other mental diseases.

2015 Semi Annual Student Showcase

Bella Diva Dance’s  new studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd. We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Learn of some great venues to go dancing in Colorado and of the amazing benefits these yoga postures can give to your body.

Easy stretching exercises for dancers

health tips for dancers

Stretching is vital… for life! People mistakenly think that this is only for people who workout or practice a physical discipline or art form.
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But stretching is more than that. Correct stretching helps relief pain, increase blood circulation, increase flexibility, aids in relaxation, and improves posture. It can help you improve your range of certain motions, calm your mind and even help you sleep better. Today, we share some good stretching exercises for your torso and legs.

exercise outside in Denver

Great stretching exercises for dancers

Runner’s stretch

This is one of the most commonly practiced stretches for the lower body. Step your right foot forward and lower into a lunge position, placing your hands on the floor. If you can’t reach, use cushions or blocks. Inhale and as you exhale straighten your right leg.

Return to starting position, and repeat 3 to 4 times. Switch legs.

Standing side stretch

Stand with your feet together and your arms raised over your head. Join hands and intertwine your fingers. As you inhale, reach upwards. As you exhale, bend sideways and hold that position for 3-4 breaths. Return to center and switch sides.

Butterfly stretch

Sit on the floor, with your feet flat against the ground. Let your knees fall to your sides and press your feet together. Slowly, pull your heels towards you without causing discomfort. By keeping a good back posture, smoothly bounce your knees up and down slow. This will loosen the muscles of your groin and inner thigh. You can add more pressure by pressing down slightly with your elbows.

Standing thigh stretch

Standing with your legs together, pull one of your feet up towards your back and grab with the hand of that same side. Make sure your knees are side by side, parallel. Keep your back straight and to help you with balance engage your abs.

Breathe in 3-4 times and then switch sides.


Every month we bring you more tips for health and dance in Denver

We will continue to share more stretching exercises in our future posts. A simple stretching routine can help you acquire more flexibility and relieve pain. Read more about health tips for women and learn about our newest class offering Middle Eastern Drumming.

Join us This Weekend at Civic Center Park Downtown

Taste of Colorado 2015

A Taste of Colorado is On!!!

Starting today, A Taste of Colorado is the best, family friendly event to close the Summer. Starting today and until Monday, September 7th, downtown will be filled with food booths, more than 270 artisan vendors, 6 entertainment stages and over 500,000 attendees. A Taste of Colorado takes place at Civic Center Park. Bella Diva Dance will be performing at the Heritage Cultural Stage on Labor Day. Come watch “Around the World in 60 Minutes” for our 5th year appearance at A Taste of Colorado. We’ll have the best of Belly Dance, Brazilian Samba, Afro-Caribbean, Bollywood, Hula & Polynesian dancing. The best part is the performance is FREE!

Other artists include: Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Craig Campbell, Chris August, Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers, Morris Day and The Time, Kansas and Mary Lambert.



Have you always dreamed of performing onstage?

You can! Bella Diva Dance showcases students at least twice a year. So if you have always cherished the dream of performing on stage, you should seriously consider joining our World Dance Classes in Denver. Our studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd. Our instructors are all highly qualified and experienced, and will grant you a thoughtful learning experience. We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood,Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance.

Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].

Bella Diva performing on stage




Our world dance company strives to bring the magic of movement to Colorado women, while also creating a community for these women to be part of. We bring culturally authentic world dance forms to Denver and provide unique performance opportunities for our students. We offer a wide variety of world dance classes that will grant you a thoughtful learning experience.

Bella Diva Dance Awards includeBella Diva Dance Awards

  • 2012 First Runner Up on the Denver A-List for Best Dance Studio
  • 2013 Finalist for Denver’s Best Dance Studio A-List
  • 2014 3rd Place Denver A-List Best Dance Studio


Labor Day in Denver Full of Samba

Our SAMBA SQUAD will be performing
at A Taste of Colorado

Labor Day  at Civic Center Park Downtown Denver

Bella Diva Dance will be back for our 5th year of A Taste of Colorado this Labor Day weekend on the Heritage Cultural Stage performing “Around the World in 60 Minutes” downtown at Civic Center Park off Broadway & Colfax. You will experience Belly Dance, Brazilian Samba, Afro-Caribbean, Bollywood, Hula & Polynesian dancing. This performance is FREE to the public!BellaDiva_Passistas3

Festival of Mountain and PlainA Taste of Colorado stands proud as the end-of-summer celebration of community pride and spirit in the Denver region.

TCO-2015-Logo-tnOver 500,000 people make the four-day Festival their Labor Day Weekend celebration and enjoy the offerings of over 50 area food establishments, 250 marketplace artisans and vendors, six entertainment stages, and educational programs promoting the diverse cultural and western heritage of the regionall for no admission fee.

More than 50 of Coloradoans’ favorite restaurants and food establishments will gather at the Festival, featuring small portions to full meals.

Don’t miss out on this amazing FREE event and Labor Day celebration!



And tonight, we’ll be performing at The Aman Steam Academy’s Benefit Concert. Buy your tickets, come see us and join us in being a part of something great: this new fledgling charter school that will emphasize teaching the arts in their curriculum.Benefit concert sponsor


Samba classes in Denver – plus all kinds of World Dance styles10672322_954508557904613_7216404974049291879_n

We offer Samba lessons for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students. We have our Samba No Pe class and an Intermediate/Advanced Samba Technique and Choreography class.  Our classes are thoroughly planned series in which we cover all basic samba foot patterns and sequences, body movements and different styles.

Our prices:

4 week month series = $52

5 week month series = $65

$15 Drop-in rate (if spots are available)


Bella Diva Dance’s  new studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd. Our instructors are all highly qualified and experienced, and will grant you a thoughtful learning experience. We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].

Benefits of Yoga for Dancers

Warm Up Before Dancing

Yoga is a great discipline that is becoming more popular with time as people realize all the benefits that you can get from it. Yoga is also a great way to stretch and strengthen your body. And as stretching is an essential part of a dance lesson, yoga can be very beneficial to dancers and people who dance as a physical discipline.

Here at Bella Diva Dance, we strive to provide exceptional service and our talented and experienced instructors will always take care of you. Yoga can improve your flexibility, confidence, and balancing of body. Let’s take a look at some other benefits yoga can provide dancers.

Yoga postures and stretches for Dancers

yoga - child pose

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, also called Power Yoga in the Western hemisphere, focuses on linking the postures with the breathing exercises into a flowing Yoga practice. Because of these unique capabilities of Ashtanga Yoga, it warms up the body before deep stretching to stretch more safely. Also stamina is created; this is beneficial to the dancer’s body for overall performance endurance. Vinyasa Yoga salutations are great for getting the blood flowing, the heart rate up and using work to bring fresh air into the blood. The standing asanas are great and beneficial to those who dance as a physical activity. Some great Yoga poses and stretches are: Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), Baddha Konasana (butterfly or bound angle posture), Gomukhasana (Cow Face), Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Prasarita Padottanasana (Spread leg/foot stretching postures), Ustrasana (Camel), Utthita Trikonasana (Extended three angle posture), among others.

Benefits of Yoga for Dancers

Yoga has been recommended to people who have back ailments, women that are pregnant, people with physical conditions that require strengthening their bodies, to help people relax and liberate stress as it has many health benefits that can improve everyone’s well-being. Here is a list of health benefits that yoga provides.

  • BalanceYoga stretches Bella Diva
  • Clarity of the Mind
  • Confidence
  • Flexibility
  • Improved Circulation
  • Improved Hip Mobility/Flexibility
  • Improved Lung Capacity
  • Posture Improvement
  • Purification of the Body
  • Stamina
  • Strength/Muscle Toning
  • Stress Relief


Bella Diva Dance’s  new studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd.  We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].

World Dance Events: Rio Carnival

Last week, Bella Diva Dance celebrated Fat Tuesday Carnaval at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret, where we performed and danced to samba wearing our magnificent feathered colorful costumes. At the same time, samba parades were taking over streets in Rio de Janeiro, as Brazil was celebrating its world famous Rio Carnival 2015.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro origin

Rio Carnival is probabbella diva dance samba dancely the most famous and largest dance event carnival celebrated on a yearly basis. It is also one of the most antique festivals as it dates back to 1723. Every year, more than 2 million people pack the streets for five days (this year’s dates: February 13th – February 18th). The origins of the festival are tied to Greek and Roman civilizations, who worshiped their gods through wine and revelry celebration. Later, the Catholic Church modified this celebration to be led into Ash Wednesday. So, it’s a 5-day wild celebration, 40 days before Easter. On Ash Wednesday, one is supposed to abstain from all bodily pleasures, and that’s how Carnival acts as a farewell to the pleasures of the flesh.

There are many celebrations held throughout the country, but Carnival at Rio de Janeiro is undoubtedly the biggest and most visited one. The main show, is composed by the Samba Parades (or Sambodromo), which is actually a competition between the top Samba schools in Rio. There are about 200 Samba schools, and these are divided into leagues. These leagues , and other categories like Children’s Samba Schools, allow for different parades to take place during the days of Carnival. Many aspects are judged, such as percussion band, the samba song selected, costumes, floats and props, and more. Other attractions of Carnival are its balls, which range on location and prices, street parties, and even the opening of samba schools to the public, at night.

samba squad


Bella Diva Dance’s  new studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd.  We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].