Woman holding sparkler

What Are Your Dance Resolutions for 2021?

We’ve reached the home stretch of 2020, and it’s the perfect time to start thinking of goals for the new year. Beyond just writing them down and wishing for them to come true, if you want to achieve what you set your mind to, you have to take some time to think and plan how you’re going to make that happen. After all, as dancers, we can only evolve through hard work and dedication.

There’s no denying that we’ve all been anxiously awaiting for a new year to start. A clean slate with new opportunities, challenges, and dreams. Here are some dance goal suggestions to help shape your 2021.

Woman jumping with sunset behind

Prioritize Your Health

Health is essential, and this year has made sure we keep that in mind. Take good care of your mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Putting your health at the top of your priority list will help you perform better in all areas of life, not just on the dance floor.
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Take Your Moves Outside the Studio

A big part of your growth as a dancer will happen at the dance studio, but your skills will come with you wherever you go. Don’t be afraid to put those skills to the test in a different setting. Feel free to dance at home and anywhere else where you feel like dancing. Pushing those limits will contribute to your growth and confidence as a dancer.

Turn Your Fears into Opportunities

Often, our fears manifest in the form of negative thoughts that sabotage our progress. This new year, try to turn your worries into constructive thoughts. Instead of thinking: “I can’t do it,” think: “with more practice, I will do it.” Instead of thinking: “Being in the front terrifies me, so I better stay in the back,” think: “this might help me improve my confidence.” Dominating your fears will open up many new opportunities for growth.