Dancing is an excellent exercise for any person as it is, but Bollywood is the best type of dance for children because it is fun and filled with culture. The moves that are involved in Bollywood help with bone density, flexibility, and coordination. Also, Bollywood uses fun costumes, and what kid does not enjoy dancing and putting on costumes? With a dance that requires movements from head to toe, your little one will gain muscle tone, good posture, and flexibility.

What is Bollywood?

Bollywood comes from India, and it’s the dance form used in films decades ago. So the name was combined with two words, “Bombay,” which is the city that is today called Mumbai and Hollywood. This incredible dance has been around for many, many years, but has recently gained popularity worldwide. Films like “Slumdog Millionaire,”  has used Bollywood, and artists such as Brittney Spears and Shakira have practiced Bollywood in their musical careers in videos and concerts. Bollywood has become an international sensation, and it is now used and loved by all cultures! Bella Diva offers classes for children and adults, and we highly recommend them for children because they gain a love for dance while getting all the benefits that dancing brings. This dance requires movements from all of your body, so children are highly capable of learning it since they are already flexible and fast learners. Before the 1960s, Bollywood was highly classical and forward with folk dance, but today, it is more “chic,” and significant cities offer dance lessons because of its recent popularity.


Bollywood is highly known for its clothing and dress because it will determine the “feel” of the dance in the film. You will be able to express which “period” or age you are trying to communicate in the movie with the correct clothing and costumes, the reason for which this is such an essential factor.

Bollywood dancing for kids

Benefits of Dancing Bollywood

Children benefit from this type of dance because Bollywood requires movements from all of your body, including neck and head movements, feet positions, and facial expressions. Children will learn to coordinate, which is a challenge at an early age, but this will help them with posture and flexibility as well. The benefits go beyond the dance studio as dancing requires the person to focus and not get distracted. That can help improve your child’s attention span and help him do better in school. Children tend to sleep better, and their anxiety decreases with this intense body workout! Kids will learn the foundation of Bollywood in Bella Diva, which is to have high energy, the right timing, rhythm, and controlled expressive movements all at the same time.

How Is It Danced?

Bollywood has changed in its dancing style today. It used to be more classical and folk, and as time has passed, it has become more popular and more cross-cultural. It now includes more freestyle, and it can also throw in some hip hop and jazz. Bollywood requires vigorous movements from all of your body, so it is essential to practice and train as it is somewhat challenging but never too hard to learn.

Types of Bollywood Dancing

There are a few different types of Bollywood. The hottest one being “Bollywood Masla,” this would be like the foundation because it mixes a little bit of classical and traditional Indian dances along with some hip hop, jazz, and modern dance. Giddha is the second type of dance that is done by women who dance and sing to mimic daily life things. Giddha, performed in a circle where a few dancers come inside and dance. Kathputli, which means puppet is another type, and within this vigorous dance, the performers are pretending to be string puppets to the beat of the music. Garba Bollywood is done mainly in social events, and both men and women participate. Ghado, which means pot, done by women carrying metallic containers on their heads, used for water. Koli is a type of dance done by a couple, and they imitate the act of fishing during the dance. Finally, Thumar has ornaments worn on young girls’ foreheads. All of these types of Bollywood come from the same root. They are used to portray what the various films want for their viewers. You can see this link for the most popular 2018 Bollywood dance songs, and you will find how it seems very modern and hot as it has gained popularity around the world.

reasons kids should dance
Bollywood is one of the best dance types kids can learn.

Why Is It Suitable for Kids?

While kids benefit from any type of dancing, Bollywood can be perfect for them since it involves movements from all over the body, high concentration, and flexibility. All of which can be fast learned by children. Bollywood stars kids to play influential roles for the audience to accept them as high profiles and endear them to the public. Another very valid reason for children to be involved in Bollywood is due to the use of different customs. Children love to dress up, and Bollywood is no exception. In the midst of all this, children will gain more substantial social capacities during class sessions because they have to interact with dance partners and dance groups. At Bella Diva, children enjoy Bollywood the most due to our fun professionals who teach the class and because we strive to make the best environment for our students while learning, improving in dance moves, and also becoming stronger.

Bollywood at Bella Diva

Bella Diva has kids Bollywood classes on Sundays that begin at age 6 – 10 yrs. Here, east meets west with classical Indian dance with a touch of hip hop, jazz, and salsa. Children will learn all they need to know about Bollywood in age-appropriate lessons. Our classes, designed for children to learn how to express art through the world of Bollywood dance, and in turn, they will learn to be more expressive in day to day life. Also, kids become happier when they dance because it boosts their self-esteem. They may sleep better and decrease anxiety, making them capable of concentrating better at school and hence getting better grades. Dancing makes people more disciplined in general because they are required to practice, attend class, and perform in shows. That is hugely beneficial because it also keeps kids away from the influences of drugs and peer pressure.

Get Involved

You can also get involved by enrolling in our adult classes while you enroll your child. That will show support and will also motivate your child to come to class, and that way, you both grow together in this beautiful form of art! We have adult classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced. If you have never danced Bollywood, you are welcome to come to our beginner’s course, and we will guide you every step of the way. We make sure that you feel comfortable and that you enjoy learning this fabulous dance. At Bella Diva, you have the option of dancing for a hobby or becoming more professional by moving up, attending essential performances, while having access to well-known dance artists that come to Denver to give lessons and speeches.

Other Types of Cross-Cultural Dancing

Salsa is a major cultural dance that began in the late ’40s and early ’50s. Many Cubans influenced salsa in New York until Fidel Castro came to power and made it impossible for Cubans to travel to the United States of America. Hence, Puerto Ricans took the lead on salsa in the United States. The contemporary salsa that comes from Cuba goes by the name of “timba.” It begins slow and then moves to a faster beat, and sometimes it breaks into reggae and hip hop. Today, salsa is a worldwide sensation, and you can find lessons anywhere, and you will find that people from different cultures and races are intrigued to learn this exquisite dance, filled with learning, rhythm, and life.

Hip Hip Hop is another popular dance. It began in the Bronx of New York in the suburbs, and today it’s an international sensation. Bella Diva also offers hip hop classes because it is so well recognized and accessible. You will see it in movies, hear it and dance it at parties; you will listen to it in stores and restaurants. It has become the music of the world. Decades ago, hip hop was first thought to be the music of gangs in the Bronx and from low neighborhoods but overgrew to be the most popular kind of music in the states. We have classes for kids and adults so you can come and have your child take part in a new hip hop class while receiving many benefits that come from dancing. It reduces anxiety, enforces discipline, and it builds excellent social skills.

Belly Dancing

Gypsies, known as Ghawazee, were women who traveled in the 18th-century performing and later moved into Europe and the Middle East. Belly dancing has also become an international sensation. Many women are eager to learn because it is a very sexy, modern dance. While it exposes a lot of the women’s body, is it so we can see how the body moves. It is a very “isolated” dance, meaning that a lot of the movements come from the hips and pelvic area while at the same time isolating the shoulders and chest so that the performance is fluid. Bella Diva loves this type of dance, and we are great at teaching it! Come and see us and try it out. Pregnant? No problem! It will benefit you and your baby. Bella Diva offers prenatal belly dancing, which will help you have a better birth, fewer pains, and a more relaxed you and baby. We designed this class, especially for pregnant women, so no need to worry about any injuries as we go at a slower pace than regular belly dancing, and it is completely modified to suit a pregnant momma!

Dancing is Great for Both Young and Old

Whether you are looking to dance for fun or master it by performing, or if you are looking for dance lessons for your children, Bella Diva has a great variety of dance lessons. We strive to offer a program for everyone in the different cultures that we teach. It is no secret that dancing is a great exercise that brings along many mental and physical benefits to anyone who practices it. It increases bone density, helps with stress relief, healthy mood, and better sleep. On the physical side, you will see an increase in energy, and your body weight will begin to decrease if you are consistent with the classes along with a healthy diet, you will become more flexible, coordinated, and more in shape in general.

Choosing a Good Quality Dance Studio

When choosing a dance studio, you must compare a variety of things. Check out prices, and if the difference is not huge between one or the other, go with the cheapest if you think the quality is as good in the most reasonable class. A significant factor is the environment of the dance studio. You will feel the vibe almost immediately, and you will be able to tell if the owners are caring if the studio is clean and organized. Does it smell good? All those things are highly significant because it demonstrates respect for both the client and the dance studio. Do some research on the instructors, their background, and experience in dancing so you can know how professional the classes will be. If you find a studio that seems to be much more expensive than the rest, see if its worth it to invest in that one. Maybe it has a more prepared staff, better location, or just a target for higher-income clients but similar qualities than the rest. All of the above will help you make a wiser choice in your dance class investment.
