The Importance of Hydration For Dancers

We know you bring your bottle of water to your favorite dance class or when you workout. But water is not limited to hydration when you sweat it out.
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Water is an essential for our bodies. Human beings can’t live without it, we’re practically made of it. Drinking water regularly, about 8 glasses of water a day (or approximately 2 liters) is essential to keep you well all day long. The moment you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Today we share with you some of the important benefits of drinking plenty water daily.


Benefits of Drinking Water

Our body is 75% water. We need water as virtually every cell in our bodies. As you drink water, water goes into cells and it plumps them as with your skin cells. Let’s see some of the many benefits that drinking plenty water brings to our lives.

  • Water can help you lose weight: Choosing water over a high-calorie beverage will prevent you from adding those into your body. It also boosts your metabolism and helps you feel full. Drinking a glass of water a bit before a meal will help you eat what your body really needs.
  • Water gives you energy: Considered an energy booster, water can give your muscles exactly what they need if feeling tired. When cells don’t maintain an adequate fluid and electrolytes levels, it ends up in muscle fatigue.
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    Drinking enough water during the day will help your heart pump blood more efficiently and transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells.
  • Water helps you prevent pain and help fight diseases: Aching joints and muscle strains can occur if the body is dehydrated. Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates joints in the body. Also, water helps with decongestion and dehydration that occurs with diarrhea and fever. It also prevents hangovers!
  • Water maintains your body in optimal conditions: Getting rid of waste through sweat and urination is vital to eliminate toxins from our bodies. Our kidneys and skin will thank us! Drinking water reduces chances of kidney stones and improves skin complexion. It also boosts our immune system, making us feel energized and feeling great!

Make sure you include water in your diet as it will bring you great health benefits.
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Read more about essential health tips for women and how incorporating Green Tea into your daily diet can also provide you with incredible benefits.

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