When to Use Ice or Heat for a Dance Injury

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Any type of dance is a very disciplined art that requires a lot of work from the body. As dancers, you train carefully and are diligent with warm-ups to prevent injuries, but sometimes even with the best prep work, you can still face sore muscles and occasional strains. When that happens to you, it’s important to treat the pains correctly so that you can get back to dancing quickly and safely. Knowing when to use ice or heat is important knowledge for every dancer to have.

When to use ice

Treating fresh injuries with ice, also known as cryotherapy, is a process that works best for treating pain and inflammation. Ice causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces swelling and the discomfort that comes with it. Icing sore areas after exercising can reduce bruising as well by slowing down fluid build-ups under the skin.

You need to be careful to avoid icing before performing any strenuous activity. There’s a reason why athletes of all disciplines must perform warm-ups before exercising – cold muscles are tighter and can be more prone to pulls or tears. If you feel the need to ice any part of your body during a dance class or workout, you need to be done exercising for a while. It can be dangerous to return to physical activity immediately after icing a muscle, even if it’s started to feel better. It is recommended you wait at least an hour before dancing again if you’ve iced a muscle.

Make sure you wrap your ice pack in a thin towel or similar material to keep it from having direct contact with your skin. Ideally, it is recommended that you ice for 10 minutes every hour until the swelling has gone down.

When to use to heat

Using heat, like an electronic heating pad or microwavable warming pack, is good for soreness unrelated to swelling or for muscle spasms. Heat helps to relax muscles and get rid of any stiffness. Applying heat to a sore area can be beneficial before a workout, but it’s important that you only do this if you’re sure you don’t have a serious injury. A little stiffness in the calves after a hard day of dancing is common, but if you rolled your ankle the day before, you don’t want to try to push through that pain.

Heat should never be applied to acute pain or swollen areas. The warmth will increase blood flow, which will allow a swollen muscle to expand even more.
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You should wait at least 48 hours after an injury to make sure the swelling is gone before switching from ice to heat therapy.

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If there is major swelling or the pain is excruciating, you need to see a medical professional right away.
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Bella Diva Dance Studio is located in the Glendale Center on E. Mississippi Ave and Birch St, near Colorado Blvd.
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 We offer you: Belly Dance, Samba, Yoga, Bollywood, Hot Hula Fitness, Afro-Caribe and Kids’ World Dance. Contact Caitlin for more information about classes: 303.359.9414 or email us at [email protected].