Dance Resolutions for 2017

First Dance Performance

We made it! It’s 2017, and we are all excited about what this year might bring. It’s nice to be surprised, but it’s also wise to set up goals to guide you through the year (from a dancer’s perspective). If you’ve done this already, congrats! You are well under way to achieving those goals, but if you haven’t, it’s ok. We’ve got some tips so you can knock that out of the way in no time.

Setting up dance goals for the new year

Every year, there’s this hype of making things bigger and better than the one before. The new year gets people excited and motivated, but that excitement usually lasts them a couple of months. Making goals achievable is essential to actually attaining them. Here you have some tips that will keep you right on track:


Dance Resolutions 2017


Define what you’re passionate about

Take a good, hard look at the things you’d like to achieve as a dancer this year and determine what moves you. What would you fight for? Is there a competition you’d like to participate in? A part you’d like to audition for? A big piece you’d like to choreograph? Think about it.

Be specific

Straightforward, detailed goals are key to following through with them. When you have very open-ended goals or “anything goes” types of goals, you lose interest and eventually let them go before they’re anywhere near being done. Make sure you have one long-term goal and about three short-term goals or subgoals. A good goal should be S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Be accountable for your own success

Find a buddy who you can tell all about your resolutions for this New Year. Have them be the person that hold you accountable for your progress. That way, you can almost guarantee you’ll stay focused.

Try new things

Be willing to try new things, new techniques, new music, or new styles of dancing. If you’re looking for great dance classes in Denver, give us a call. We’d be happy to welcome you into our New Year!