Tips for Being a Great Team Player

Tips for Being a Great Team Player

Great teams don’t happen by accident. There’s a lot of work involved in making a group of people be cohesive and successful, and being a good team player plays a big role in this scenario.

Become The Best Team Player with These Tips

To produce exciting and memorable performances, you need more than a talented group of people and great choreography. Actually, to create anything that’s worth something, the support of a great team is essential. For this to happen, everyone must be a good team player, including you. Here are some valuable tips to becoming an amazing team player that you can keep for yourself and share with others (because that’s what a team player would do):

Show Your Support

Looking at others like your competition doesn’t exactly help develop team spirit. Being supportive, on the other hand, builds strong relationships. Be there for your teammates, and they will be there for you. Cheer each other on, treat them like family and lift each other up. Being available for one another will create strong bonds.

Teamwork tips

Do Your Part

Each person on the team is responsible for their own part. A great way to show respect for your teammates is to do your homework and come prepared to each class. Having your part down makes everyone else’s part much simpler to do.

Promote Laughter

Laughing together is a powerful thing. It gives a feeling of togetherness and family, and it can change the way you go about your day. Plus, it’s a great workout for your abs.

Count Your Blessings

Don’t fall in the habit of always looking at the dark spot on the wall. Especially, when things are the most challenging, try to look at the bright side of things. It will reduce your stress levels and do the same for the rest of the team. Being grateful does wonders for the team dynamics.

Great Performances by Great Teams

At Bella Diva Dance, we are proud of our great dance community and love to share our performances with you. Stay tuned for our upcoming performances and if you want to be part of our community check out our dance classes and join us. We can’t wait!


Dance Performances: How to Prepare for the Unexpected

When it’s time to hit the stage, it’s better to be prepared for surprises than just hoping for the best.

Managing the Unforeseen During a Dance Performance

Costumes on, makeup on, nerves under control —for the most part, and suddenly it’s your turn to be in the spotlight and showcase what you’ve learned. It’s a moment of excitement and adrenaline, but just like any event, even after tons of preparation, last minute surprises might come up.
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Don’t get caught off guard, learn to deal with these potential situations ahead of time, so you can make the best out of your moment on stage.

Live Through Wardrobe Malfunction

If celebs have lived through it, so can you. Costumes aren’t perfect and bottons can get loose, zippers can get stuck, tights can rip, straps can burst. You can mitigate those risks by keeping a sewing kit handy in your performance survival kit. Tape, needle and thread, a stapler, pins, whatever you think you’ll need in case something goes south with your wardrobe.
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If you catch it before you get on stage, you’ll be able to work your magic.

Facing Makeup Issues

If you do your own makeup before the show, first, don’t forget your makeup kit.  Second, equip your survival kit with Q tips, baby wipes, and setting spray to fix smudges and keep your makeup in place.

Don't Let Your Nerves Get the Best of YouDon’t Let Your Nerves Get the Best of You

Stage fright is not uncommon. The feeling of being in front of a crowd whose attention is focused on you can certainly take a toll on you, but don’t let it. Taking time to rehearse at the place where you’ll perform is a great way to help you relax and tone down those nerves.

Keep On Dancing

This relates to the last part. Lots of dancers forget their choreography but it’s ok. It doesn’t have to happen to you. You’ve already worked as hard as you could on it, so if you let go and relax, your muscle memory will do the heavy lifting for you.  If for any reason you do slip, don’t beat yourself down over it.  Just shake it off and keep going, like a pro.

The Best Dance Performances in Colorado

Bella Diva Dance is known for its amazing dance performances. Now that you know how to deal with the unexpected, come dance with us. Join a dance class in Colorado and learn about the beauty of dance from around the world.