Useful Beauty Tips for Athletic Women

Some ladies like to wear make-up, some others go natural. Some of us prefer flats, and others prefer heels. It really comes down to each and everyone’s individual personality. The truth is we decide what beauty is to us.
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And athletic women know that sweating, spending time in chlorinated pool water can take its toll on the whole beautifying process. There are easy tips for athletic women who want to combine sports and a healthy  beauty regimen. Let’s take a look at ways in which you can take care of your hair and wear makeup and still get all of our sweaty routine with style.

Beauty Basics for Sporty Women

beauty tips for active women

Sporty Hair Styles

Although the most common hairstyles when working out are a messy bun or the thrown-up ponytail, there are other styles that can be applied. If you’re good at braiding, try one across your forehead and sweep in into a ponytail. Spice up your bun or ponytail with a cute headband or accessorize with hair ties.

Quick Makeup and Let’s Go!

One of the great advantages of working out is that our body gets a chance to detoxify through sweat. Make sure to give your body a break from makeup now and then.
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If you can’t make it without, keep it light and use waterproof formulations. A little waterproof mascara, some concealer under your eyes and a colored lip balm can do the trick.

Sports Bag Must

Facial wipes are one of our favorites. These can help remove makeup before working out, and to wipe clean your face after a workout. Women with skin prone to breakouts should use them often to avoid dirt accumulation. This is a life saver if you need to go somewhere immediately after your dance class or workout.

Get in shape with style - beauty tips while you workout

Incorporate these great beauty tips into your routine to get a great looking hair and shiny face. Read about more health habits for women like how to do the Salutation to the Sun yoga postures. Come try our newest class offering: Latin Dance.
