Taking time off dance

When life gets hectic, sleep is what we often sacrifice. Juggling between school or work, daily chores, family and dance is not always easy. However, when you’re sleep deprived your body doesn’t work quite as efficiently and it can also affect the quality of your dancing.

How Sleep Affects Your Health and Dance

Lack of good quality sleep doesn’t just affect teenagers, it affects the majority of the population in the US. According to a study performed by the National Sleep Foundation in 2014, thirty-five percent of Americans consider their sleep quality to be either “poor” or “only fair”.  They also, don’t wake up feeling like they’ve had enough sleep. It’s not just a matter of not sleeping enough hours, it is also a matter of not getting good quality sleep, which can have serious implications on health if sustained over time.

Sleeping soundly is important to your body, brain and metabolism and here is why:

Physical Implications

When your body and mind don’t get enough rest, your chances of illness could increase as your body’s immune response is weaker, and your balance and coordination could also be impacted, which it affects your ability to perform.

How Sleep Affects Your Health and Dance
Lack of sleep can affect the overall quality of your life at work, home, and in the dance studio.

Mental Implications

Lack of sleep affects your problem-solving skills.  It can result in poor attention and mental flexibility, as well as slowing down your ability to mentally process things, even your mood could be affected in a negative way.
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This not only affects your personal and work life, it also affects you as a dancer.  It can keep you from learning new dance combinations or could slow down the learning process, and even make you forget what you’ve already learned.

Metabolic Implications

Sleep deprivation can make you burn calories at a lower rate than usual.  It can also cause your appetite to be affected, by increasing cravings for unhealthy foods that are high in fat which can lead to weight gain.
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By incorporating healthy habits like turning off your cell phone a while before going to bed, and going to bed when you feel your body needs rest, you can avoid the negative effects that sleep deprivation can have on your body.
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These can keep you from dancing your heart out next time you’re in dance class.