Proper Alignment for Dancers

Most styles of dance require great posture to produce good quality movement. To create beautiful dance moves, proper body alignment is key.

Graceful Posture Improves Your Dance Technique

The word posture comes from the Latin verb ponere, which means “to put or place.” The general concept of human posture refers to the “carriage of the body as a whole, the attitude of the body, or the position of the limbs (the arms and legs).”

Source: Wikipedia

As a dancer, having proper body alignment allows you to be able to move freely and even reduces the risk of injury. Did you ever feel annoyed at someone that kept telling you to stand up straight? They might have been thinking just about aesthetics when they told you that, but the intention was in the right place. The thing with bad posture is that it puts a lot of strain on muscles and joints, which can lead to injury. So, in life and in dance, proper body alignment is essential.

The Benefits of Good Posture

Not only does proper body alignment help to strengthen dancer’s muscles. Having good posture also means that your body will require the least amount of muscle activity to stay in an upright position, and it provides many other health benefits.

It allows us to be active with more energy, less stress and fatigue
It allows the musclo-skeletal system to hold the body parts in place
It allows space for your vital organs to function at optimal efficiency
It allows you to breathe more efficiently
It promotes efficient functioning of the nervous system



Neutral Spine or AlignmentRenu gupta teaching associate

Postural muscles are those in charge of putting in the work to keep you in an upright position. All these muscles run up the front and back of your body and maintain neutral alignment by working against the pull of gravity. The goal is to keep your balance while standing still or moving.

Strong Abs Are Key to Better Posture

Did you know that the “six-pack” is the most superficial of the four layers in the abdominal wall? Each layer is responsible for different types of motion. However, when they move as a whole is when they’re the most effective. This is why it’s important to remember to keep your core tight during dance class, but also in general, as having a tight core will help your balance.

Yoga can help improve core strength, and Belly Dance is great for building strength and improving your posture. At Bella Diva Dance, we love to share dance with you in a way that is not only beneficial to your health but expands your cultural knowledge as well. Give us a call and learn more about our classes.