Dance is a very demanding discipline. It might not be considered a sport, but a dancer’s body endures a lot of stress, which makes them quite susceptible to injury. This will depend on a lot of different factors, but as dancers, it is important to understand what causes and how to prevent a dance injury.

Common Dance Injuries

As we mentioned already, the body of a dancer gets a lot of wear and tear. The great number of hours you might be putting into your dancing can eventually take a toll on your body.
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  The majority of injuries in the dance world don’t come from trauma as much as they come from overuse. Most of these injuries target the foot, ankle, lower back, and hip.
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The lower leg is quite exposed to tendon injuries, stress fractures, and sprains. Knowing how to prevent future injuries is a must-discuss topic, especially for younger dancers.

Main Factors That Cause Injuries and How to Treat Them

We could say there are two types of injuries. When an injury causes severe pain, is bleeding, or increases weakness, you should go checked out by a physician. Nutrition for dancersThe other type of pain is caused by mild injuries or overuse and can be treated with pain relievers like ibuprofen, as well as rest. Alternating between hot and cold (ice) therapy can be a great way of treating swelling and pain.

Some of the most common factors related to injury include the following:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Dancer’s body alignment
  • Amount of dance hours, frequency, and type of dance
  • Prior history of injury

Preventing Dance Injuries

It is essential for a dancer to understand how they can keep themselves injury-free. Dance instructors will usually reinforce this topic at times. However, most of the responsibility belongs to each dancer.
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There are a few simple tInjury preventionhings that are key to preventing injuries:

  • Don’t skip the warm-up or the cool-down
  • Know your body and understand its limitations
  • Technique is key. Make sure your technique is on point before trying any advance movements
  • Avoid dancing through pain as much as possible
  • Wear shoes and clothing that fit comfortably
  • Provide your body with proper nutrition
  • See a health professional (physical therapists, athletic trainers, etc.) that can facilitate screening sessions to identify potential problems

Dance with the Best Dance Professionals

Finding the right dance company is one of the most important things. At Bella Diva Dance, we are proud to have great dance professionals on our team that can consistently provide proper instruction to both to keep our students free of injury and to help you get to the next level at the right pace for you. Call us now and book a class. You’ll love it!