Dance goals

How to Beat Those Negative Thoughts That Prevent You from Dancing

Have you ever felt the urge to start dancing but suddenly find yourself regretting just thinking about it? Many of us lose lots of opportunities out of fear. We allow fear to take over and rob us of things that could be great for us.

Fear can trick you into thinking lots of negative thoughts that will keep you away from the things you want to achieve. Here are some of the most common lies you might be telling yourself to keep you from dancing and some suggestions on how to get over them.

“I Will Make a Fool of Myself”

No one knows how to dance until they learn how to dance. You are not the first one —and will certainly not be the last one— to attend a dance class without knowing much about dance. That’s why dance studios and dance teachers are needed. Everyone else in your class will be at the same level as you.

Bella Divas Hula Dancers Student Showcase“I Don’t Like Going to Class Alone”

Why not? Think of it as self-care. It gives you an excuse to invest in yourself and relieve stress. Plus, you can bet you’ll make friends there.

“I Don’t Even Know Where to Take Dance Classes”

Find a dance studio in your area that offers the style of dance you like, whether you want to learn world dance or ballroom dance. Just do some research and register for a class.

“I’m Too Old to Dance”

Dance has no age, so it is never too late to start dancing. There is no reason to feel self-conscious. Everyone will go at their own pace.

“I Have Two Left Feet”

So, you lack a little coordination? Don’t worry about it. Dancing will help you out with that. All the more reason to get started now. You might struggle with learning choreography at first, but you’ll watch yourself improve quickly if you attend dance classes regularly.


Don’t let those lies keep you from dancing. Start now!