World Dance Classes Can Provide Relief From Joint Pain

Relief from joint pain

Dancers and athletes are no strangers to activity that puts pressure on joints and muscles. To deal with the stress of the last year and a half, some may have pushed a little too hard, resulting in injuries and overworked joints. We understand that no dancer or athlete wants to slow down. However, if you don’t want to cause serious injuries, you’ll have to move to a more low-impact, high-energy form of exercise and movement. At Bella Diva, our world dance classes are a great form of alternative fitness and dance styles that allow you to keep moving, while still providing relief for joint pain.

Relief from joint pain
Dance can help keep us young, and keep our joints healthy.
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Recovering From Injuries and Joint Pain

Part of growing stronger as a dancer or as an athlete is allowing your body time to heal. Training, practices, and rehearsals can all take a toll on your body. Even our World Dance Classes can feel like quite a workout. However, the great benefit of world dance is that many are focused on slow and deliberate movements that require a lot of core and have little impact on your joints.

If you are recovering from an injury, at some point, you’re going to have to start moving again, slowly building up strength and stamina. World dance classes can provide an alternative style of fitness and dance to get you up and moving slowly and start to gain back some flexibility and mobility.

Relief From Joint Pain and Arthritis Symptoms

If you have arthritis, chances are you’ve had a lot of aches and pains. The constant pain may sometimes just be too much to handle, and you might be wondering how to relieve all of your pain. Dance classes are a great way to relieve pain from arthritis. Dance is a great way to exercise that will not only help you relieve joint pain but will also help you be in better health. Gentle exercise can reduce pain, build strength and mobility. Plus, dancing also releases endorphins, and as a result, helps reduce anxiety and depression,

Bella Diva offers several dance styles that utilize slow, rhythmic movements—such as Belly Dancing and Hula ‘Auala — that are great for people with joint and muscle pain.

Register for dance classes at Bella Diva today.