Why Dance Classes are Important for Kids

Dance class can have many benefits on the human body, especially when it comes to children, who are naturally more nimble and graceful than adults. If you’re looking for the best way to enrich your child’s life and help them grow into confident adults, dance classes are the perfect option for you! Read on to learn about all of the wonderful things that dance classes offer to your child.

Creative Expression

Dancing is an excellent way to express yourself artistically, get in shape, build motor skills and coordination, feel good about yourself, make friends and have fun! Children who participate in dance are exposed to a range of new experiences that help to build their self-confidence and express themselves in new ways.

Dance Can Be Highly Beneficial in Early Stages of Childhood Development
Dancing is a great way for kids to build their self-confidence and express themselves in new ways.

Improved Balance

Balance is a fundamental ability that children need to learn at a young age, particularly as they advance through their developmental stages. By learning how to properly balance themselves, children develop coordination—an essential life skill that’s useful throughout their lifetime—and also become more self-confident as they progress.

Positive Feelings About Exercise

One of the great things about dance is that it helps children build positive feelings about exercise. Not only does dancing give your child a way to get regular exercise, it also encourages them to stay active on their own; research has shown that participating in an extracurricular activity can have a long-term effect on physical activity habits in adulthood.

Physical Benefits of Dancing

Dancing can improve your children’s physical health in many ways, including improving their balance, rhythm, posture, strength and flexibility. Many of these traits also help to increase their motor skills—meaning they will learn other sports more quickly than their peers. Further, your child’s brain will be better developed by learning how to move well as they grow up. 

If you are looking for dance classes for kids near me, Bella Diva offers multiple classes for our dancers to become well-rounded and reach their dance goals. Sign up for classes for classes and see where the world of dance can take you!

The Positive Effects of Dancing on Your Body and Mind

Dancing can be lots of fun, and it’s a great way to make friends, but did you know that dancing can also have some pretty profound effects on your body and mind? Dance benefits range from releasing endorphins that make you happy to strengthening your muscles, gaining flexibility, and improving your balance; dancing has the potential to make you feel great all over. Read on to learn more about how dancing can impact both your physical body and your mental state.

Dance Improves Mood

Exercise increases blood flow to your brain, keeping you alert. It also releases endorphins that relieve tension and make you feel good about yourself. As a result, exercise can help you improve your mood by reducing feelings of stress or anxiety. Additionally, physical activity enhances body image, which can lead to greater self-confidence.

Dance Improves Flexibility

Dancing is fun, and also have some pretty profound positive effects on your body and mind.

Dancing is a great way to increase flexibility. When you’re moving your body in ways it isn’t used to, you’ll get out of your comfort zone and may experience some soreness or pain—but don’t let that stop you from persisting. The more flexible you are, the more comfortable you feel throughout your day-to-day life.

Dance Strengthens the Immune System

Did you know that exercising three to five times a week can significantly strengthen your immune system? This means that if you have a cold or other sickness, your body will be more likely to fight it off and recover quickly. In addition, exercise also decreases anxiety and depression, which are associated with weakened immune systems. 

Dance Helps You Sleep Better

After a day spent at work, picking up kids from school, grocery shopping, cleaning your house, cooking dinner, helping with homework – it’s easy to get worn out. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night because you’re physically exhausted or just tossing and turning in bed too stressed to sleep, regular exercise with dance can help.

Bella Diva offers multiple classes for our dancers to become well-rounded and reach their dance goals. Sign up for classes and see where the world of dance can take you!

How to Dance in Heels With Confidence

As any seasoned dancer knows, dancing in heels can be uncomfortable and challenging, but it’s also an important part of every dancer’s repertoire. The use of character shoes or ballroom shoes in the studio or on stage can add an extra layer of class to a performance, making the shoes that you wear an extension of your personality, as well as your art form. 

Say No to Street Shoes

The technique of dancing on your toes is something that all professional dancers have mastered, and part of that mastery includes doing it while wearing shoes they’re accustomed to. You should train before you dance in heels. The heels you choose must be professional either a character shoe or a ballroom shoe, but not a street shoe (pump, stiletto, etc.). If you wear street shoes, there’s a chance you might slip, slide or collapse your foot into a position that could result in injury.

Learn About Your Body

When dancing en pointe, it’s easy to fall into bad habits like over-arching your back, knees bent or feet turned out. If you want to keep your posture correct and avoid injury, it’s important to know what correct looks like before you try moving into more advanced positions. It may take some time and practice before you have control over your body (especially when wearing high heels), but certain exercises will help train your body. 

Practice Safe Technique

Whether you’re a ballerina or a hip-hop dancer, wearing heels every day can take its toll on your body. It’s important to remember that all ballet flats and character shoes have raised toes and heels that can wear down and bruise your feet. However, if you practice using safe techniques, wearing them to dance will not harm your feet.

Develop Good Balance

Ballet and jazz are some of the few forms of dance that require women to wear heels as part of their regular training. Because these shoes can pose problems, it’s essential to develop a strong sense of balance while wearing them. A strong core and awareness of it are imperative for performing well when wearing heels. If you’re still getting used to dancing with heels on, take it slow at first. Once you’ve developed your sense of balance, then work on style — after all, no one wants to look clunky while dancing!

Bella Diva offers multiple classes for our dancers to become well-rounded and reach their dance goals. Sign up for classes and see where the world of dance can take you!

Dance Your Way to Fitness with Hip Hop

Have you ever been to a hip hop dance class? If you have, then you know how much fun it can be! And if you haven’t, we highly suggest you give it a try. Hip hop dance fitness is excellent way to get in shape and have fun at the same time. Not only does it help with cardio and strength, but it also incorporates coordination, flexibility, and balance – all of which are essential for preventing injuries. So if you’re looking to lose weight or get in shape, sign up now!

Bring Your Water Bottle

One of the most popular reasons people like to dance is because it’s a great cardio workout. And even if you don’t care about burning calories, dancing is a fantastic stress reliever and great for your mood. The biggest advantage of attending group fitness classes is that they push you harder than working out alone. Our hip hop classes will get you moving, so make sure you stay hydrated!

Prepare for Non-Stop Fun

As a newbie, you might feel intimated at first — this is a high-energy class, after all! To prepare for your first class, wear comfortable clothes and shoes that are conducive to movement. This can be fun — and challenging — so go ahead and bring a friend along for support! Consult your doctor before beginning a dance fitness class if you have any injuries or conditions. 

Move Your Body in Ways You Never Knew Possible

Hip Hop Dance classes leave you feeling strong and energized — no matter your age or fitness level. High-energy music and dance will power you through your workout. You’ll burn more calories, improve endurance, and lose weight while moving to your favorite songs. There are many benefits of adding a high-energy dance class into your fitness routine, including moving your body in fun new ways which will challenge different muscle groups. 

Did We Mention FUN?! And LOTS OF IT!!!!

The instructors at our classes push you (in a good way) and guide you through simple combinations that are designed for all fitness levels. Each class is different, so you’ll never get bored! And not only will you lose weight, increase your endurance, and tone up…you’ll make friends along the way. All while having FUN!

Ready to have some fun with Hip Hop? Sign up for our GROOV3 HIP HOP DANCE today!