Change and Boost Your Lifestyle Adding Dance Lessons to Your Daily Routine

Are you looking for a way to change and boost your lifestyle? Consider adding dance lessons to your daily routine. Dance lessons are an excellent way to stay active, learn new skills, and bring joy and fulfillment into your life. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced dancer, dance lessons can help you reach new heights.

Dance Lessons Mental and Physical Benefits

Dancing is one of the most popular hobbies for people of all ages. Not only does it offer the opportunity to learn a new skill, but it also provides numerous physical and mental benefits. With lessons from Bella Diva Dance World, you can take your dancing experience to the next level and reap the benefits.

The physical benefits of dancing are well documented. Many people consider dance to be a form of aerobic exercise. By learning various moves, you can increase your cardiovascular health and muscle strength. You can also improve your flexibility and balance, as well as increase your coordination and stamina. Dancing also helps you stay physically active and maintain a healthy weight.

The mental benefits of dance lessons with Bella Diva Dance World are just as impressive. Learning various dance steps can help improve your mental focus, concentration, and memory. Studies have also shown that dance can help relieve stress and reduce anxiety levels. Furthermore, dance lessons can help you develop self-confidence and increase your overall happiness.

Finally, dancing offers the chance to express yourself in creative ways. Whether it’s through hip-hop, ballroom dancing, or Bollywood dancing, you can explore different ways to move your body and discover your own unique style.

Learn from the Best

Adding dance lessons to your daily routine can be a great way to change and boost your lifestyle. If you want to learn from the best, consider enrolling in classes at Bella Diva Dance. At Bella Diva Dance, our talented team of professional instructors is passionate about providing students with the best dance education possible. Whether you’re looking to learn basic dance steps or delve into the complexities of Latin dance forms, we offer a wide variety of classes to choose from.

The instructors at Bella Diva Dance are dedicated to helping students improve their technique, perfect their skills, and even compete in national competitions if that’s what they desire. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they can provide the highest quality dance instruction for all levels and styles.

Fulfill Your Promise and Learn to Dance

Adults often talk about the promise they made in grade school to learn to dance and follow it wherever it may take them, but many never fulfill that promise. Instead, they make excuses such as it’s too late or I’m too old to start learning how to dance now and resign themselves to a life without the joy of moving around with purpose and skill while listening to their favorite music. But this doesn’t have to be your story! Adult dance classes in Denver are available to you and can bring out your inner dancer!

Achieve Your Dreams by Taking Adult Dance Classes

Dance lessons are a great way to fulfill your promise to yourself. You can make your dreams come true by taking adult dance classes at Bella Diva Dance World in Denver, CO. Adults of all levels can take lessons, no matter what age you are or how much experience you have with dance. Bella Diva offers everything from hip-hop to Bollywood, belly dancing, ballet, and more for adults of all ages who want to learn a new skill.

Benefits of Adult Dance Classes

Belly Dance Classes
Take dance lessons today and fulfill your dream!

Many people who sign up for dance lessons are looking for a way to stay active, meet new people, or de-stress. But there are other benefits that you might not be expecting: 

  1. Dancing with other people has been shown to improve your mood by releasing endorphins and reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
  2. You’ll learn how to move your body in ways you never knew possible!
  3. As you start getting better at dancing, it will become a satisfying form of self-expression.
  4. You’ll be able to enjoy music in a whole new way – dancing is often called the language of the soul because it taps into your emotions on a deep level.

Contact us at Bella Diva Dance Studio and start the New Year off by achieving one of your lifelong dreams! Bella Diva Dance is the perfect place for adults who want to learn how to dance. Our dance instructors are experts at teaching adult beginners the fundamentals of all different styles of dance. Dancing is a great way to stay fit while having fun!

Bella Diva World Dance & Escola de Samba Denver’s Road to Rio 2023

Carnaval is known worldwide as the world’s largest party. Every year hundreds of thousands of people gather in Rio de Janeiro to celebrate Carnaval with blocos, pagodes, parades, and of course lots of Samba. Residents and tourists all come together to watch the culminating event, Carnaval Carioca. Escolas from all over Rio come to compete and perform. Each school has one chance to wow the audience and judges. But behind each show is months and months worth of hard work and dedication.

This year,  10 of the performing company members of Escola de Samba Denver at Bella Diva World Dance will be traveling to Rio in only a couple weeks to be immersed in Brazilian culture during this Carnaval season!

The ESD dancers will join three different Samba Schools in Rio and parade down Sapucaí as members of the Escolas, organized by Sashya Jay and Nubia Santos as part of Samba Internacional. 

The process for earning their place in each escola started in June of 2022 when each of the ESD dancers had to audition. A video submission to each school was required for every dancer to be selected to join various “Alas” (a wing or group of each parade).

Passista Ala with União de Jacarepaguá:

Escola Diretora Caitlin, Addi, and Grace auditioned to be a part of the passista ala at União de Jacarepaguá. Uniao is part of the Series Ouro Grupo (Gold series group).The passista ala includes some of the best dancers in each school. Many people auditioned and only 10 dancers were selected. In order to participate in the Passista Ala, Caitlin, Addi and Grace will spend 5 weeks prior to carnaval in Rio training with the Escola. During this time, they will become a part of the community, train with the resident dancers, take part in the Technical Rehearsal in the Sambódromo (Ensaio Técnico), ensaios de ruas, and perform at other community events. União will perform on Saturday February 18th at 9:00 PM (BRT).

Sambista Ala with Unidos de Bangu:

7 of the ESD dancers will join Unidos de Bangu as part of their Sambista Ala. Bangu is part of the Series Ouro Grupo (Gold series group). Chelsi, Anna, Andréia, Ali, Alina, Candice and Luki will head to Rio two weeks prior to carnaval in order to train with their Escola. The sambistas also had to submit a video recording in order to audition for their place in the Ala. 

During their time in Rio they will train with their Ala directors, participate in Ensaio de Ruas (street rehearsals) and dance with their Escola in the big show. Bangu will parade on Saturday February 18th at 10:30 PM (BRT)

Float Ala with Império Serrano:

Coming off of their win in the Series Ouro Grupo in 2022, Imperio Serrano will move up to Grupo Especial this year. Three of the ESD dancers will join Imperio as members of their Float Ala. Caitlin, Chelsi and Luki will help Império open the grand competition as they perform on one of the floats as part of the Escola. Imperio Serrano will parade on February 19, 2023 at 10:00 PM (BRT).

While in Brazil the ten ESD dancers will also participate in multiple workshops with some of the best samba dancers in Brazil. It is an immense honor and privilege to participate in Carnaval with the local comunidades. They hope to bring their new knowledge and commitment of samba back to Denver to help continue to grow the samba community locally! 

Want to check out the parades live? Tune into Globo at: for a live streaming of all of the parades!

  • União de Jacarepaguá will perform on Saturday February 18th at 9:00 PM (BRT)
  • Unidos de Bangu will parade on Saturday February 18th at 10:30 PM (BRT)
  • Império Serrano will parade on February 19, 2023 at 10:00 PM (BRT)

Follow ESD on IG & TikTok to keep up with their Carnaval journey and travel blog. @EscoladeSambaDenver 

Learn Belly Dance and Shake It Like No One Else

Bella Diva Belly Dance Class

Learning belly dance moves doesn’t have to be intimidating! If you want to master this art form, you should start by learning the basics and then build from there. This article uncovers some belly dancing steps to help you get started and improve your form so you can shake it like no one else!

Dance Description

Belly dancing is a fun, low-impact way to get in shape while having a blast. There’s no need to be self-conscious while learning the moves because you’ll be surrounded by supportive classmates who are all trying to better themselves as well. You’ll not only have an amazing time, but learn some new dance skills as well!

Belly dancing is a fun, low-impact way to get in shape while having a blast.

Belly Dance for Beginners Course Steps

Try these simple steps if you are new and ready to try belly dancing for beginners:

  • Get a dancer’s outfit – This can include a full-length, form-fitting dress with sequins on it that has a slit up the side of the leg, or it can be a short one that is more like a skirt with slits in the sides. Add some tights, shoes, jewelry and hair accessories to complete your look.
  • Start by doing some stretches – These will help you be more flexible so you can move smoothly as you dance. Put your feet together and try to touch your toes while bending forward at the waist. Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side to give both sides of your body equal time to stretch out before moving on to other moves. 
  • Do some pelvic circles – Stand with your legs apart and bend into a squat position, hands on hips if possible. Shift weight from foot to foot as you circle your hips in each direction. Circle clockwise ten times, then counterclockwise ten times. 
  • Bend over from the waist and hold for 10 seconds – Do this two times consecutively (hold for 10 seconds). Straighten back up to a standing position and place hands on hips again.
  • Watch your instructor carefully, then try them out on your own. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you pick up the basics of belly dancing! Just remember: it’s okay if you’re not perfect right away. Keep practicing and soon enough your movements will become natural for you too!

Dance Lessons for Adults: Always a Good Time to Dance!

If you love to dance but have been reluctant to take adult dance lessons, perhaps it’s time to reconsider your hesitations. You may think that it’s only kids who benefit from being involved in dance classes, but adult dance lessons are a lot of fun and can be extremely beneficial for those who want to make dancing an integral part of their adult lives.

Why Should Adults Take Dance Lessons

Adult dance lessons are the perfect opportunity to learn how to dance, meet new people, and have fun. Whether you want to start your own club or just want some new moves on the dance floor, it’s never too late in life to learn how to dance. Plus, dancing is great exercise with tons of benefits. For example, it strengthens your core muscles and can help reduce anxiety by releasing endorphins into your body. Here are four reasons adults should take dance lessons now:

  • Dancing is a fun way to spend time with friends.
  • Dancing promotes fitness and health.
  • Dancing can relieve stress – It’s never too late in life to learn how you like the best.
  • Nothing will improve your social skills more than knowing how to move around others.

Dance Alternatives, Styles You May Love

Adult dance lessons are the perfect opportunity to learn how to dance.

Some people love the idea of dancing, but when they think about actually doing it, they freeze. The following is some information on dance lessons that are perfect for adults who need some help with their moves. 

  • Latin dance lessons are fun and easy to learn.
  • Ballroom dance classes teach various styles of ballroom dancing including waltz, tango, rumba, salsa, and swing.
  • Belly-dancing lessons offer instruction in Middle Eastern belly-dancing techniques and can be great exercise too!
  • Other types of dance lessons include African, tap, hula hooping, and hip hop.

Tap dancers may not have as much time on the ground as other dancers, but do enjoy high kicks into the air. As for Hula Hooping? The possibilities are endless… contact Bella Diva World Dance Studio in Denver to find the right class for you.

Bollywood is One of the Best Dance Types for Kids

You might wonder what makes Bollywood such an effective dance choice for kids; after all, it originated in India, where English-language dance classes are few and far between. However, the Bollywood style has become increasingly popular here in the United States, which means that you’re likely to find a class to suit your child’s interest, whether it’s belly dancing or hip-hop dancing. Here are some of the benefits of Bollywood-style dance classes for kids who want to learn to dance.

Bollywood Dance for Kids – We Call it Energetic Dance

LIttle girl dancing in front of a crowd
Bollywood dance helps kids express themselves creatively.

You’ve heard the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Well, we’ve got news for you – you can teach any kid a whole new dance! Bella Diva World Dance in Denver offers Bollywood dance classes for kids as young as four years old. This energetic and exciting dance form features footwork and hand movements that are easy for kids to learn. Plus, it’s super fun!

Great Health Benefits

Bollywood dance provides a great workout with a fun and diverse culture, as well as many health benefits. While children who participate in Bollywood dance class may feel some mild soreness during their first few classes, overall it’s a great activity that helps kids stay active, and provides them with an outlet to express themselves creatively. Bollywood dance also helps teach kids how to work as a team, get along with others and learn self-discipline.

Bring Your Kids to Bella Diva World Dance in Denver

At Bella Diva World Dance, we believe that dance should be fun and accessible to everyone. For this reason, we offer a variety of classes that teach styles from all over the world. One such class is our Bollywood dance class, which teaches kids about Indian culture through an age-appropriate and fun curriculum. In this class, students will learn traditional Bollywood moves as well as some hip hop to mix things up. Plus, you get to have a great time with friends while learning! Give Bella Diva World Dance a call now if you and your kids want to start dancing today!

Express Your Body at Bella Diva Dance Studio

Even though most dance studios focus on teaching specific types of dance, Bella Diva Dance Studio takes a more inclusive approach to body expression. Bella Diva offers classes in belly dancing, hip-hop, and so much more, helping you learn how to express yourself in your own way through movement. From fun and flirty to serious and soulful, Bella Diva Dance Studio teaches you everything you need to know about expressing yourself with the body.

Body Control

Dance is a great way to express yourself.

Dance is a great way to express yourself and get in touch with your body. At Bella Diva Dance Studio, we teach our students how to control their bodies through dance. We believe that dance is a great way to stay fit and healthy, and it can also be used as a form of self-expression. Our classes are designed to help our students improve their flexibility, strength, and coordination. We even offer online classes on demand, so if you can’t make it to the studio, you can take your dance classes wherever you are. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, we welcome you to come and express yourself with us!

Expressive Art

At Bella Diva Dance Studio, we believe that dance is a form of self-expression. We encourage our students to express themselves through their movements and choreography. Our studio is a safe and welcoming space for all dancers, regardless of experience level. We believe that everyone can benefit from dancing and expressing themselves creatively. Our classes are designed to be fun and supportive, while also challenging our students to push themselves artistically. If you’re looking for a place to express yourself through dance, come check us out!

Feel Young Again With Dance Classes for Adults

As you get older, it can be easy to stop feeling as active and vibrant as you did when you were younger. That’s why dance classes are the perfect way to feel young again while also boosting your energy, improving your balance, and keeping you in shape all at the same time!

The Health Benefits of Dance Classes

Dance classes are a great way to get active and stay young. Not only do they improve your cardiovascular health, but they also help to improve your coordination and flexibility. Additionally, dance classes can help to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels. So if you’re looking for a way to feel young again, consider signing up for a dance class today!

Dancing Improves Your Mental Health

Dancing can improve your mental health.

A recent study has shown that dancing can improve your mental health. The research, which was conducted by the University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, found that dancing can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also a great way to stay fit and healthy as it improves heart health, posture, muscle strength, and bone density.

It’s never too late to learn how to dance! Dancing is a great way to stay active, relieve stress, and meet new people. But if you’re not sure where to start, it can be a little daunting. Luckily, there are plenty of options for adults who want to learn how to dance. You can take group classes, or even join dance classes online. And don’t worry about looking silly – everyone was a beginner once. So put on your dancing shoes and let loose!

Start Your Dancing Lessons at Bella Diva Dance

For many people, the thought of dancing conjures up images of high school dances or flash mobs. But dance is so much more than that! It’s a great way to get exercise, socialize, and even compete. If you’re thinking about starting to dance as an adult, come to Bella Diva Dance in Denver, Colorado. We offer many dance classes for adults and can’t wait to help you along your journey!

A Dancer’s Life: Tips for Beginners

Women in dance class

Dancing might seem like one of the more glamorous occupations there is out there, but anyone who has ever danced for any length of time can tell you that it is not all ball gowns and feathery boas. It takes a lot of practice to get the physicality down, and sometimes that hard work can take its toll on your feet, back, shoulders, knees, but it will help boost your soul! Luckily, you do not have to go through it alone; here are some beginner dance tips from professional dancers about how to get started on this exciting path.

Try a Variety of Dance Styles

Belly Dancing History

There are so many different types of dance! How do you know where to start? A great way to figure out what type of dance you enjoy is to try a variety of different dance styles. Bella Diva Dance offers beginner dance tips and classes in a wide range of styles, from ballet to hip hop. Trying different types of dance will help you figure out what style or combination of styles speaks to you. 

Who knows, you might find that you enjoy ballet and hip hop equally and decide to take both classes! Or maybe you will fall in love with belly dancing as well and decide to add a class of that style. The important thing is that you explore different types of dance until you find the one(s) that make your heart sing.

Find a Local Dance Studio

Find a local dance studio that will encourage and nurture beginners. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, don’t be afraid to do things the wrong way, give yourself grace and time to learn, and HAVE FUN! Bella Diva Dance is committed to fostering self-confidence and providing beginner dancers with all of the information they need to succeed.

 Dancing: The One Simple Secret to a Long, Happy, and Healthy Life

Learn to Move and Dance At Bella Diva

One of the best things you can do to make your life happier and healthier is to learn how to dance. If you’re not comfortable trying it at a nightclub or even in a large group class, try taking adult beginner dance classes instead. Even if you don’t think you’re coordinated enough to master steps, dancing has amazing benefits that will make your life better in many ways.

Boost Your Health

Dance is a great way to boost your overall health.

Dance is a great way to boost your overall health. It can help improve your cardiovascular health, increase your flexibility and strength, and help you lose weight. Additionally, dance can help reduce stress levels, improve your mood, and increase your energy levels. Dancing also helps people to feel more connected socially, which is important for quality of life. For seniors, in particular, social connections are important because they are at higher risk for isolation than other age groups. 

While it’s true that not everyone will be able to get out there and do an hour-long class each day of the week, there are other ways you can incorporate dancing into your life! You could take a Zumba class or go salsa dancing with friends on Friday nights!

Boost Your Longevity 

Studies have shown that dancing can lead to a longer life. In one study, people who danced regularly were found to live an average of 7.2 years longer than those who didn’t dance. And it’s not just the physical benefits of dancing that lead to a longer life – it’s also the mental and social benefits. So what are you waiting for? Come on down to Bella Diva Dance for adult dance classes in Denver, and let’s get started!

Enhances Emotional Development

Dance provides an opportunity for self-expression and can be used as a form of emotional release. It can also help people develop a stronger sense of identity and build self-confidence. In addition, dance can teach important life skills such as cooperation, communication, and problem-solving.