Support and Encourage Boys to Dance

Drummers at Rio Carnival

It’s time to change the perception that dance is only for girls. Dancing is gender-neutral. It’s time we started encouraging boys to dance. Our kid’s classes make no distinction between boys and girls, and encourage everyone to join and learn the excitement and fun of dance from a young age, at a time when no one is concerned with gender. Hopefully, these are lessons that our kids will carry with them into their lives and help shape a future where gender is irrelevant. In short, dance sees, hears, recognizes, and celebrates every culture, color, race, ethnicity, and gender. Dance is for everyone.

Dance is Gender-Neutral

There is a growing movement that is seeing a rise in boys who dance. Help us to grow this movement of encouraging boys to dance and be part of the changing views of who should and shouldn’t be a part of dance. 

Encourage Boys to Dance
Dance sees, hears, recognizes, and celebrates every culture, color, race, ethnicity, and gender.

There is a cultural shift happening, one in which gender roles are being recognized as the outdated and unnecessary restrictions that they really are. This new direction is taking us toward where we really need to be, a place where inclusivity and awareness are the norms rather than the exception. We are getting closer to a place where interests are not bound by antiqued ideas of gender norms. 

Dance is both an art form and a sport. And neither art nor sport should be restricted to any gender, regardless of what that art or sport is. 

Dance provides betterment for the entire body — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. These benefits apply equally to all, regardless of gender. 

How Parents Can Encourage Boys to Dance

The best way to encourage boys to dance is to not discourage boys to dance. We need to get out of our own outdated way of thinking and simply encourage our kids to do the things that they love or show interest in, whether it’s dance, soccer, horseback riding, or space. If your son shows an interest in dance, encourage that interest without bias.

Get together with some other parents and enroll your boys together in a dance class. That way, your child won’t be the only boy in the class, and they won’t feel singled out. If you want to check it out first, see if you can sit in on a dance class. 

Select a dance class specifically for children so that you know they’ll have fun above all else. 

We have a Kids’ Bollywood class. It’s a fun and exciting dance style with lots of movements. We infuse Bollywood with other fun styles that your kids will know and love, like jazz, hip hop, and salsa. 

Encourage your son(s) to join a dance class with your daughter(s). And then encourage your daughter(s) to do something your son(s) enjoys. Breaking down gender stereotypes goes both ways. 

Ready to get moving? Register for world dance classes today!