Yoga Can Be a Great Ally Throughout Motherhood

Woman doing yoga outdoors

5 Reasons to Practice Yoga Through Motherhood

Motherhood is a beautiful journey in every way. The magical moments are accompanied by circumstances that make it a complicated part of life for every woman. Finding time for self-care is sometimes cumbersome but necessary.
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Yoga can be a fantastic self-care tool throughout motherhood and can help bring out the best in you. Here are some of the reasons why it’s worth practicing yoga regularly during this stage of your life.

Relieves Stress

It is no secret that yoga is an excellent activity for stress relief. It practices mindfulness and proper breathing, which help you destress while giving you that energy boost you need to get through the day.

Helps You Stay Strong

One of the purposes of yoga is to stretch and strengthen your muscles. This exercise will help you grow lean muscle mass and increase flexibility, which is necessary for proper posture, keeping up with your little ones, and overall health.

Allows You to Connect with Your Inner Self

In the middle of all the noise and things that are happening day-to-day, yoga allows you to become more self-aware. Thanks to the movements and breathing exercises, you can switch your focus inward and be more in tune with your emotions and thoughts.

Woman stretching in bed
Practicing yoga regularly will help you sleep better and be prepared for a new day.
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Teaches You to Listen to Your Body

Yoga classes make you look at exercise from a different perspective. It’s all about caring for your body rather than pushing yourself too hard.
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It teaches you to take things at your own pace and allow your body to adapt to the new challenges and changes that come with its practice and motherhood.

Improves Sleep Quality

Less stress and a more relaxed body are essential ingredients for a good night’s sleep. With consistent practice, yoga can help you improve your sleep quality and give your body enough time at night to repair physically and mentally, being better prepared for the next day.

Pro tip: you can even start doing yoga during pregnancy and reap the benefits it offers for that stage of your life, too. ????

Dance Can Help Your Personal Growth

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Life Lessons You Can Learn from Dancing

Dance is a one-of-a-kind experience. Those who practice it know that there aren’t enough words to describe the feeling it provides accurately.
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But beyond what makes us feel, dance can teach us many life lessons that can promote our personal growth. Here are some of them:

Trust Your Partner and Team

When you embark on a journey with someone, whether that journey is a dance or a relationship, trust is essential. Trust leads to commitment, and staying fully committed will make it easier to achieve your goals.

Be Humble

When you excel at something, it’s best to let your actions speak for themselves. Using your skills to help others grow will also help you succeed. Allowing your ego to take over can damage your relationships and even impair your ability to perform your best.

Be Responsible and Disciplined

To successfully develop your dance skills, you ought to be responsible and disciplined. You must be responsible to yourself by listening and taking care of your body, responding to your fellow dancers by giving it everything in dance class, and also to the instructor by being invested in learning what they have prepared for you. Being disciplined by being on time, warming up, stretching, and practicing at home will help you improve faster.

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Enjoy the Moment

Whatever you do, don’t forget to have fun and smile. You may be tempted to switch into a mindset of perfection when you’re dancing.
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However, trying to be perfect will only take away from experience itself. Go out there and enjoy it!

Be Confident in Your Skills

Avoid second-guessing yourself. You’ve worked hard to become the dancer you are today. Don’t worry about making mistakes or meeting someone else’s expectations.
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Believe in yourself. As long as you do your best, you’ll be fine.

Be Kind

Everyone around is giving their best effort, even if they look like they’re struggling. Showing everyone kindness and avoiding judgment will make the journey easier for everyone around you and yourself.

Here’s Why You Should Start Belly Dancing Today

Belly dance workout

6 Reasons to Start Shimmying Away and Learn Belly Dance

Belly dance is such an art. It lures you in and makes you want to learn more about it. If you’re interested in a new hobby, this might be precisely what you want.

In life, we’re often contemplating the idea of doing things that have caught our attention, but sometimes we can actually get ourselves to do them. Many people dream of dancing —in this case, belly dancing, but hesitation keeps them away from pursuing their dream. Don’t let this be your case. If you’re looking for reasons to start belly dancing today, we can give you plenty.

Leaves You Feeling Empowered

One thing is for sure. You’ll always feel great after every belly dance class. You’ll feel in control of your body, powerful, and proud of the work you put in. Beware: you will look at yourself in the mirror and wink at your reflection.

Embraces All Body Shapes and Sizes

No one type of body works for belly dance. This is a very inclusive dance style. There are only two requirements: having a body and wanting to dance. It doesn’t matter whether you’re tall, short, thick, or thin.

Women in Belly dance class

Allows You to Wear Beautiful Costumes

Beautiful belly dance costumes will never go unnoticed. They are colorful, shiny, sexy, and can make anyone who wears them feel like royalty.
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Fits All Personalities

Sensuality is one of the qualities of belly dance, so some may think that only those who are outgoing or super feminine can dance it. That is a myth. The same way belly dancers come in all shapes and sizes; they have many different personalities. When you join a belly dance class, you realize the community is more diverse than you anticipated.
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Helps You Learn More About Middle Eastern Culture

Belly dance is part of the culture of the Middle East. As you learn to dance, you will learn about their music and cultural background, their people, and their political background. Learning belly dance provides you with a fun way to learn about history in that area.

Gives You a Healthy Dose of Adrenaline

There is no other feeling like the one you get when you step on a stage to perform. Every time you perform a belly dance routine in front of an audience, you’ll get an adrenaline rush. This will fuel you throughout your performance and leave you with a sense of well-being after you’re done.
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Is Dance a Sport?

Woman jumping with sunset behind

5 Reasons Why Dance Can Be Considered a Sport

Dance can be a hobby, a creative outlet, a therapy, or a fun way to stay active, but many argue about whether it can be considered a sport or not.

Undoubtedly, there is an athletic component in dance. It is much more than graceful moves, flexibility, and musicality. Here are some of the reasons why dance could be considered a sport.

Demands Stamina

Being graceful and strong is very demanding for the body. Although some dance styles can be more exhausting than others, most dance routines will require a lot of energy to get through them. Dance is an aerobic type of activity that will surely get your heart pumping.

Requires Discipline

Discipline is a vital skill to improve and achieve your goals as a dancer. Improvement requires consistency and hard work, the same as any other sport.


Transforms Our Bodies

All that dancing will certainly have an impact on your body. Dance is known to be a great option to lose weight and get in shape. When dance becomes part of your routine, you will see changes in your body. Of course, this should be sustained with healthy eating habits to fuel your body correctly for physical activity.
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Prioritizes Stretching

Stretching exercises are not an option. They are a must in every dancer’s routine.
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Stretching prepares your muscles for dance and helps prevent injuries. It also boosts your flexibility, minimizes pain and stiffness while dancing, and decreases joint impact.

Focuses on Strength

Core strength is critical for dancers, but strong limbs are also essential to dance better. Through dance, you can improve strength in different parts of the body. In addition to dance classes, cross-training is recommended for dancers to develop stronger muscles and minimize the chance of injury.
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