Improve Your Posture

Proper posture and body alignment are essential to all dancers. Latin ballroom dancers know that good posture is one of the most important aspects of partner dancing. Having good posture makes dancers appear more elegant and confident. Good posture also improves overall balance and body control. Not only does good posture make you look more confident and alert, but slouching or slumping can actually be bad for your body.
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Why Is Good Posture Important?bella diva dance samba squad

Improving your posture will improve your appearance both on and off the dance floor. Dances of all genres can help to improve your posture. Even if you’re not a dancer, improving your posture can have positive effects on your body, as well as your social life. Good posture is also important for your health and overall well-being.

Having good posture means your bones are properly aligned. When your bones are in good alignment, your muscles, joints, and ligaments can work as they are supposed to. Having good body alignment means that your vital organs are positioned correctly and are functioning the way they should be. Having good posture also helps to encourage normal functioning of the nervous system.
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Good Posture = A Healthy Mind

bella diva samba dancersGood posture helps us thrive in our daily lives. Having good posture affects your frame of mind, but your frame of mind can also affect your posture. When you are healthy and happy, your posture tends to be upright and open, ready to face the challenges of your daily life. However, when you are sad and depressed or in pain, you probably sit or stand slumped over, not even realizing it.

The next time you feel depressed or anxious about something, try changing your posture. Try to force yourself to stand up straighter and take deep breaths. Good posture actually makes it easier to breathe more fully and completely.

How to Stand Taller

Following are a few tips for improving your posture, both on and off the dance floor.

  • Stand with your body weight forward, mostly on the balls of your feet
  • Distribute your body weight evenly between your feet
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
  • Try not to lock your knees
  • Stand tall, with shoulders square and relaxed
  • Keep your head in line with your spine, eyes straight ahead
  • Hold your chin parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your neck long and stretched upward.