Let's Greet the New Year Like They Do in Brazil!

For years on end, society has defined what beauty should look like.
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The thing is that, when it comes to beauty, there should be no mold. What makes us different is what makes us beautiful. Dance can embrace difference and showcase the beauty in it.

Dance and Body Positivity

Dance is able to capture the essence of beauty without regard for stereotypes. For the longest time, dance has been perceived as something only “certain kind of people” do. It’s almost as if, to be a dancer, you have to look a certain way. That is nothing but a lie. These days, it’s more and more common to see people break that mold and inspire the rest of the world to do the same.

As dancers have persisted in expanding definitions of who can perform and what people can dance about, audiences have embraced a diversity of body types on stages as well as an understanding of performances as sites that shift dominant ideologies about ideal bodies.

Source: dancersgroup

Everyone can danceUplifting and Empowering Women Through Dance

Dance is not just about moving to the beat of a song. It goes beyond that. It can be a healing experience, too.
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It’s supposed to be uplifting and empowering. It should be about learning to be confident in who you are.
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Honoring differences through dance can cultivate a sense of awareness and acceptance while reminding us that it is an art form that is not at all about perfection but about raw emotion, being human, being imperfect, and appreciating the beauty about it. Fortunately, there are people like the ladies of Pretty Big Movement and Lizzie Howel who remind us that stereotypes don’t define us. Dance is for every age, every body, and every background. Don’t let anything stop you from doing what you love.

Come dance with us at Bella Diva Dance. Pick a class, have fun, and embrace what makes you, you!