How Dance Can Help Break the Mold

Let's Greet the New Year Like They Do in Brazil!

For years on end, society has defined what beauty should look like.
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The thing is that, when it comes to beauty, there should be no mold. What makes us different is what makes us beautiful. Dance can embrace difference and showcase the beauty in it.

Dance and Body Positivity

Dance is able to capture the essence of beauty without regard for stereotypes. For the longest time, dance has been perceived as something only “certain kind of people” do. It’s almost as if, to be a dancer, you have to look a certain way. That is nothing but a lie. These days, it’s more and more common to see people break that mold and inspire the rest of the world to do the same.

As dancers have persisted in expanding definitions of who can perform and what people can dance about, audiences have embraced a diversity of body types on stages as well as an understanding of performances as sites that shift dominant ideologies about ideal bodies.

Source: dancersgroup

Everyone can danceUplifting and Empowering Women Through Dance

Dance is not just about moving to the beat of a song. It goes beyond that. It can be a healing experience, too.
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It’s supposed to be uplifting and empowering. It should be about learning to be confident in who you are.
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Honoring differences through dance can cultivate a sense of awareness and acceptance while reminding us that it is an art form that is not at all about perfection but about raw emotion, being human, being imperfect, and appreciating the beauty about it. Fortunately, there are people like the ladies of Pretty Big Movement and Lizzie Howel who remind us that stereotypes don’t define us. Dance is for every age, every body, and every background. Don’t let anything stop you from doing what you love.

Come dance with us at Bella Diva Dance. Pick a class, have fun, and embrace what makes you, you!

Defining Energy in Dance

Bella Diva World Dance Debuts at the Annual Colorado Dragon Boat Festival

Dancing through space and time is great, but not enough. Energy is crucial in every movement of every dance to properly communicate the intention behind it.

Energy: The Fifth Element of Dance

Saying that a dance “has a lot of energy” is misleading. ALL dances use the element of energy, though in some instances it may be slow, supple, indirect energy – not the punchy, high speed energy of a fast tempo dance.

Source: Elements of Dance

The Fifth Element of DanceWe’ve gone over the elements of dance, but once we understand body, action, space and time, there’s still one thing missing: energy. Energy is all about how movement happens. It represents the qualities of movement. It’s because of energy that a dance can have so many nuances. It can be soft, strong, sharp, powerful, or rich. There’s also an emotional part involved. A dancer can communicate the meaning of a dance with the energy they put into it because it is energy that connects the emotion on the inside with those watching the performance.

3 Ways to Convey Energy

  1. Weight: This translates into light movements; those that create the illusion of the body going upward, like ballet, or heavy movements, as if giving in to gravity.
  2. Attack: Movement can be smooth and sustained, or sharp and sudden. The latter can be generated through energetic movements like in hip hop or Kathak, a type of Indian dance.
  3. Flow: Some dances require a more laid-back type of energy to make them more “fluid,” which involves continuous, relaxed movements. On the other hand, a dance could also need “less fluidity,” which mostly refers to more muscle tension.

The energy that must be put into each dance is what makes world dances so unique and relevant. The energy needs to be performed and the energy that comes out are powerful and make each piece meaningful. Come let that energy shine through and be a part of our dance classes in Denver.

4 Dance Concepts Every Dancer Should Understand

4 Dance Concepts Every Dancer Should Understand

Dance is an artistic practice. In order to fully understand that concept and develop movement skills, there are four important concepts that are the base for any dance student.

The Foundational Concepts of Dance

Four elements compose the framework over which any movement is discussed. While every dance and every dancer have their own style and skill, these four concepts are a constant in any kind of dance.


The body is the main instrument of dance. It is the tool that dancers use to express themselves through movement, and it’s the visual representation that others can witness.

The body is the conduit between the inner realm of intentions, ideas, emotions and identity and the outer realm of expression and communication. Whether watching dance or dancing ourselves, we shift back and forth between the inner/outer sense of body.

Source: Elements of Dance

Basic Elements of DanceAction

Action implies movement, whether it’s dancing, facial expressions, lifts, or dance steps. Streams of movement and pauses are what dancing is made of. Movement can be freestyled or choreographed.
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Space is the canvas where the body generates movement. There’s a dynamic involvement of the space in each performance, even during solo performances, so much so that the space could be considered a partner in the dance. Dancers can intentionally move outward or inward.
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Spatial relationships between dancers or between dancers and objects are the basis for design concepts such as beside, in front of, over, through, around, near, or far.


Human movement is rhythmic by nature. From our breathing to the conversations we have, they all have rhythm. When we talk about seconds, minutes, and hours, we’re referring to clock time, but there is also sensed time, which is basically how dancers pick up on each other’s timing.

Learn the Essence of Dance

At Bella Diva Dance, we offer several different types of dance for you to put to use the four concepts you just learned about. Join us today and get wrapped up in the beauty of different cultures through these dances.

The Elements of Dance

How to Improve Your Bollywood Dancing

There’s much more to dance than just moving around to the beat of a certain song. There are six elements of dance every dancer needs to know.

Dance Basics You Want To Know

If you’re new to the dance world, you should know there are some elements to need that are essential to dance. Ideally, you should master the first three before moving on to the other three.

Step Patterns in DanceStep Pattern

We could say that a pattern is a group of elements that are repeated in a predictable manner. If you apply that concept to dance, what does it make you think of? Dance steps, maybe? Yes. A step pattern is basically a mini dance sequence made of a bunch of dance steps that were put together. These sequences could also be combined to create a whole routine.


The footwork is the way in which the feet move during the dance. This brings the technical element into play. Footwork involves the dance technique and provides aesthetic value and artistic expression.


Good timing is important in every type of dance. This concept refers to moving to the beat of the music. Not just performing the movements to the beat but actually feeling the beat to perform the movements.

Musicality and timing make you a better dancerLead & Follow

This is how two complete strangers can dance together as one, in harmony. Partner dancing has two roles: the leader and the follower. Learning to effectively perform your role is a skill that takes time but it’s the magic of partner dancing.


Style adds an element of character and uniqueness to each individual dance. Certain styles of dance are characterized by a certain attitude or specific movements. There’s a lot of sexy hip action that is the staple of Latin Dances, while elegance and grace are a must for waltzes.


a :  uninterrupted connection, succession, or union

Source: Merriam-Webster

Once you put together the steps, everything should be seamless. The fluidity in which movements follow one another is related to the consistency of the dance, and the ability to do that is called continuity.

Once you’ve mastered each element of dance, you can dance anything. Put your new skills to the test during one of our world dance classes. There are many rhythms you can dance to. Which one will you try first?

Why Dance?

Why Do People Dance?

Dance has been around forever, but it seems that in the present day, it’s been gaining more and more popularity.
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What is it that motivates people to dance?

Reasons Why We Dance

Dancing is Instinctive

Rhythmically moving our bodies is an instinct. It can be in response to sounds or just an innate need to move. Humans have always longed for personal expression and social connection, and that’s where dance comes from.

To Convey Emotions

Through dance, we are able to convey feelings and thoughts that cannot be expressed in any other way. Dance can be used to express joy, to mourn, to say thanks, to heal, to entertain – you name it.

Anyone Can DanceAnyone Can Do It

This is the coolest part. Dance is available to anyone, regardless of skill level, age.
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or any other factor. If you want to dance, just dance! Dancing is a great way to socialize; plus, it is so much fun.

It’s a Form of Art and Entertainment

Stories and ideas can be told through dance. Dance can also happen within the context of a theatrical performance, where trained dancers get to showcase their abilities and perform for an audience, usually but not always choreographed to a set of music.

There Are Many Different Styles To Choose From

Dance may reflect the cultural background and even the religious traditions and values of different cultures around the world. Dance can help us understand each other better. That’s why so many different styles have emerged over time. At Bella Diva Dance, we strive to bring culturally authentic forms of dance to share with the Denver community. From Latin Ballroom to Bollywood, we offer a whole world of dance classes for you to be a part of. Come join us, give in to the impulse to move, and experience the joy and freedom that dance can bring.
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What You Should Know About Stretching and Belly Dance

Benefits of yoga for dancers

Being flexible allows dancers to complete their movements with grace and ease as it improves the range of motion.
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That flexibility is essential in belly dance.
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Key Facts About Stretching for Belly Dance

We all know about it. Stretching is important for all kinds of physical activity. As a belly dancer, it is important that you dedicate time to stretching before dancing. This can keep you injury-free and gradually increase your flexibility, but there’s also more to stretching than just that. Here are some more facts about stretching that are worth knowing about.

Follow Your Instinct to Stretch

Did you know that stretching is actually an instinctive activity? Both animals and humans are likely to stretch after waking from sleep, or after spending inactive for long periods of time. So, why go against that instinct? Instead, follow it and take advantage of the positive impacts that stretching can have on your dancing.

Stretching Will Make You a Graceful Dancer

Your body’s posture and natural balance are stabilized when you stretch. Your joints are also aligned as a consequence, which improves your coordination. All this adds up and translates into graceful belly dance movements.
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Warm Up Before DancingNever Stretch Cold Muscles

Never skip your warm-up. Stretching cold muscles can easily lead to injury. Warming up prior to your stretching routine is essential, so take at least a couple of minutes to get your muscles ready for stretching, or try getting a massage. That will help your muscles relax into your stretches.

Gain Flexibility with PNF

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation is a technique that stretches a muscle to its limit and significantly improve your belly dancing. One way of doing it is to stretch the muscle for about 30 seconds, then flex it for about 15 seconds, and then stretch it again.

“PNF causes the brain to go ‘I don’t want that muscle to tear’ and sends a message to let the muscle relax a little more than it would normally,” says fasciologist Ashley Black.

Source: Healthline

Stretching to avoid injuriesPrevent Arthritis By Stretching

Stretching not only makes you dance more gracefully, it also lubricates the joints, and can also enhance and maintain range of motion, which greatly benefits those with arthritis and can even help prevent it.

Stretch It Out and Become a Graceful Belly Dancer in Denver

Belly dance can help you build strength, and improve posture and musicality. Complementing it with yoga can help you dance with more ease and grace, and will have a great impact on your overall belly dance ability. Give us a call to find out more.

The Importance of Hydration for Dancers

The Importance of Hydration For Dancers

Approximately 70% of the human body is made up of water. Throughout the day, we lose water due to physical activity. Increasing our fluid intake is essential in order to replace the water we’ve lost and maintain a good level of performance.

Why Dancers Should Stay Hydrated

Did you know that we only need to loose as little as 2% of water in our bodies in order for our performance to be significantly impaired?

Dancers are artistic athletes, and as athletes, it is essential to stay properly hydrated so that the body is prepared for physical activity.

Specifically to dancers, they will require more fluids per day due to the loss through dance classes and performances.

Source: Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing

Signs of Dehydration

Most of us put off drinking water until we are thirsty, and unfortunately, by then, we are already dehydrated or starting to be. It’s quite common to rely on caffeinated drinks instead. However, since caffeine acts as a diuretic, it can cause even more dehydration, which means dancers should minimize their intake of caffeine and even alcohol, as it also depletes the body of fluids. If you’re dehydrated, your symptoms may include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased performance
  • Lethargy and tiredness
  • Cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting

Hydration Guidelines During Physical Activity

Everyone’s fluid needs are different, especially depending on the level of physical activity they endure. The average person should consume approximately two liters of water, which is about eight glasses of fluid daily.

Drink 500ml (2 – 3 glasses) of water 30 minutes to one hour before your physical activity
Drink 200ml (1 – 2 glasses) of water every 20 minutes during your physical activity
Drink at least 500ml (2 – 3 glasses) after your physical activity



Stay Hydrated To Improve Performance on Your Next Bella Diva Dance ClassStay Hydrated To Improve Performance on Your Next Bella Diva Dance Class

Some dances will make you break a sweat more than others. The more hydrated you stay, the better your body will be at keeping itself from overheating. If you help your body promote heat loss when dancing, you’ll see an improvement in your athletic performance. Drink enough water throughout the day, not just when you’re thirsty, and you might surprise yourself at your next world dance class. Sweat loss during performances tends to be significantly more than during a regular class or rehearsal, especially if you’re wearing heavy, hot costumes. So, drink up. Give your body what it needs so you can give the audience what they want.

Cultural Awareness Through Dance

Bollywood Dancing

There are so many cultures around the world. If we wanted to learn about any of them, the Internet has an easy access key to all of it. However, dance can provide a more personal understanding of a culture and its traditions.

Discovering A Culture Through Its Dance Traditions

Miriam Phillips, Assistant Professor of Dance in the UMD School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies (TDPS), believes that dance, because it is a personal physical experience, can instill comprehension of an entire culture. The oppressed Andalusian people, including the Gypsies, who were socially and economically marginalized for centuries, channeled their emotional frustrations into the proud, passionate dance style known as flamenco.


Bella Diva Dance Kids' World Dance
Kids’ World Dance Class at Bella Diva Dance

Dance Is A Physical Manifestation Of Culture

A great deal of a culture’s history and traditions is encapsulated in their dances. The movements they use and the music are meant to tell a story to the rest of the world – a story about their beliefs, the environment, their economy, or even their social values.
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A Million Stories Told Through Dance

Dancers from every culture use their bodies to paint a picture. They showcase their heritage through their movements.
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West African dances, for example, are usually performed barefoot, with bent knees and a forward-inclined torso. That body language is meant to tell us their culture has a strong connection with earth and nature.
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Indian folk dances tend to be simple and are meant to express joy, while Indian classical dances are usually done as a form of meditation and worship. Samba is thought to have gotten its name from the Kimbundu term “semba,” which means “invitation to dance,” and it also refers to the dance parties that slaves and former slaves had in certain rural areas of Rio.

Enrich Your Cultural Knowledge At Bella Diva DanceLearn About Other Cultures Through Dance

We’re a Denver-based world dance company that strives to bring culturally authentic forms of dance to share with Denver community. We provide unique performance opportunities for our students while they learn of the wonderful cultural richness of different parts of the world where these dances emerged. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit another culture through dance.